I always say the time to worry about flying is when you're on the ground. If you don't trust the captain, don't go.

When I did A Soldier's Story, I was very young and green and thought I knew everything-now I know I know everything!

True desire in the heart for anything good is God's proof to you sent beforehand to indicate that it's yours already.

That's what I tell young actors. "You don't have to compromise. Go do some theater and wait for an appropriate role."

You'll see some great performances [in Fences]. And I'm not just saying that because I directed it either! You'll see!

Nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks. Fall forward. Every failed experiment is one step closer to success.

My mother never gave up one me. I messed up in school so much they were sending me home, but my mother sent me right back.

Dakota Fanning is a child, but she is a wonderful actor. I don't know what a child actor is. She's an actor who's a child.

Denzel Washington: I like the collaboration, I like seeing people do well, so I really plan to direct the rest of my days.

When you make a movie it's always interesting, because you end up in places you never would as a normal visitor or tourist.

[My father] could see as far as he could see and my mother wanted us to go to college so it was a very real part of my life.

I'd be more frightened by not using whatever abilities I'd been given. I'd be more frightened by procrastination and laziness.

Even though the story [Fences] is set during the 1950s, some contemporary women might have trouble understanding her decision.

I played Othello, but I didn't sit around thinking how Laurence Olivier did it when he played it. That wouldn't do me any good.

[Having monologue] are talking to somebody even if it's just to yourself, convince yourself if that's what you're trying to do.

I always think it's not what we know that's terrifying; it's what we don't know. That's sort of pervasive with everything in life.

The chances you take… the people you meet… the people you love...the faith that you have - that’s what’s going to define your life.

I love research and being educated. It's a great job being able to step into all kinds of professions and into other people's shoes.

The only reason I'm acting in films I direct is to get the money to make them, quite frankly, it's not what I'm interested in doing.

My role 14 years ago in Richard III - that was the first time I played a bad guy and learned a lot about it - they have all the fun!

The last few years I've been saying I was ready to quit. It wasn't that interesting to me. Now that I'm directing, it's all new again.

I wasn't allowed to go to movies when I was kid; my father was a minister. 101 Dalmatians and King of Kings, that was the extent of it.

I actually don't hang out with any celebrities. My closest friends are old friends. And my real close friends, none of them are actors.

If I am a cup maker, I'm interested in making the best cup I possibly can. My effort goes into that cup, not what people think about it.

Why do we close our eyes when we pray, cry, kiss, or dream? Because the most beautiful things in life are not seen but felt by the heart.

I think the bottom of the totem pole is African-American women, or women of colour. I think they get the least opportunities in Hollywood.

You don't know when you're being watched. That's one of the weird things about celebrity. It's my least favorite part of acting, celebrity.

By the way, sitting with other mommies is probably the most frightening experience in the entire world. They're serious into mommy-shaming.

My mother used to tell me: "You gotta smile more. Because if you don't smile, the way you look at people, they'll think you're mad at them."

The time to worrying about flying is when you're on the ground. When you're up in the air, it's too late. No point in worrying about it then.

So you never know who you touch. You never know how or when you'll have an impact, or how important your example can be to someone else" (20).

I've worked in a factory. I was a garbage man. I worked in a post office. It's not that long ago. I like to think that I'm just a regular guy.

As an actor, you're a color of paint on someone else's palette. But as a director, it's your canvas and you make the painting you want to make.

Viola [Davis] is one of the great actors of her generation. She has one of these moments in the theater that I don't even know how to describe.

When my oldest boy was about 14, I started to talk to him about some of the mistakes I made in life, just to put a few dents in that shiny armor.

I think that if there can be considered racism it's to do with the lack of opportunities for writers and producers and the people behind the camera.

Acting is like music and you improvise. It's like jazz, there's no rhyme or reason to it. It's not a plan. You practice to music and you just play it.

I worked with Sidney Lumet years ago, and we had a long rehearsal process, and he would tape out the entire set on the stage, so I stole that from him.

I got on my knees and sort of communicated with the spirits. When I came out, I was in charge. I couldn't have acted that, I couldn't have written that.

Black or white good parts are hard to come by. A good actor with a good opportunity has a shot; without the opportunity it doesn't matter how good you are.

It's tricky with monologues, and I never like to use that word. Like I told the actors, you are talking to somebody; there is no such thing as a monologue.

A man once told me that you step out of your door in the morning, and you are already in trouble. The only question is are you on top of that trouble or not?

I have a new respect for filmmakers, that's for sure, 'cause it's not easy. If I'm allowed to, I'll be directing for the rest of my life. I love the process.

As an actor in the theater you're taught that you never play a bad guy. You have to love who you are. You can't say, "Oh, I'm a bad guy." How do you play that?

I'm a positive person, so I don't get bogged down with it. If you're expecting that, if you wall in that, if you practice that, then you'll attract what you fear.

There's a book called "The Sociopath Next Door." I thought most sociopaths were violent. In fact, they aren't. But almost all sociopaths want to win, no matter what.

I don't look back, no. Maybe when I'm older; people say, 'What's your favorite film?' I say, 'My next one.' I'm not interested in sitting around; I just don't, never have.

Put God first in everything you do ... Everything that I have is by the grace of God, understand that. It's a gift ... I didn't always stick with Him, but He stuck with me.

If you take the time and put in the effort to write your own material and absolutely refuse to be denied the right to make your film it is difficult whatever colour you are.

When people protest and are upset with a movie, it becomes a big hit. They hated Passion of The Christ, it worked out pretty well for the box office. So let's get that going.

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