It's all in the mind.

Perception is reality.

Perception's not reality.

Perception can be changed

All perception is a gamble.

Perception precedes reality.

Reality is based on perception

Perception is a powerful tool.

Perception defines everything.

Perception is made up of bands.

Instagram is a perception game.

Perception starts with the eye.

Perception determines insanity.

I think perception is important.

Perception is not always reality.

Comprehension follows perception.

I prefer to see with closed eyes.

Science is nothing but perception.

Miracles are a shift in perception.

We live on the leash of our senses.

The heart is an organ of perception.

The joy of juxtaposition is endless.

There is no reality, only perception.

The dice cannot read their own spots.

Compassion is an alternate perception

Brand perception is a brand’s reality

All perception is colored by emotion.

Is perception equivalent to existence?

Perception of a state is not the state.

My perspective will create my perception

Modern morality is all about perception.

The unlived life is not worth examining.

The perception of beauty is a moral test.

Imagination is a sort of faint perception.

The problem is that perception is reality.

Human perception is literally incarnation.

Miracles are simply a change in perception.

In Mexico, the perception of power is power.

There is no truth. There is only perception.

Our perception of time is indeed our reality.

Perception is created and twisted so quickly.

I don't have a negative perception of clowns.

The brain is the citadel of sense perception.

Intuition (is) perception via the unconscious

Organized perception is what art is all about.

Your direction is a result of your perception.

Where the senses fail us, reason must step in.

Beauty is about perception, not about make-up.

A mind set in its ways is wasted. Don't do it.

It's strange how knowledge changes perception.

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