I can't really change my life to accommodate people who are jealous. ...

I can't really change my life to accommodate people who are jealous. I don't see why I should.

When the Divine descends, you just accommodate.

Architects create spaces that accommodate human activity.

In a marriage, we have to accommodate each other's views.

I believe in lifestyle changes to accommodate a healthy living.

The first horror is there's horror. The second is you accommodate it.

You have to accommodate the rich and the new rich under the same roof.

I really think there are spirits in a place that you have to accommodate.

God is not going to negotiate His holiness... in order to accommodate us.

How do you fight someone who doesn't care if they get killed? You accommodate them.

I've never designed anything in my life to accommodate MSNBC. I've had to squeeze it in.

Agents and producers have to get you into a box to accommodate their limited imaginations.

Jerry Rice made the decision and we honestly tried to accommodate him the best way we can.

Chapter 11 is an expensive process that does not accommodate the special needs of farmers.

In general, the Internet was not designed to accommodate deliberate failures to communicate.

I would be a fool to put my feet down in a position where I can't accommodate metamorphoses.

The best actors instinctively feel out what the other actors need, and they just accommodate it.

When you're in a band and there's five of you, you have to accommodate five people in every song.

But I think the guys are very happy to accommodate the people and that's part of golf in general.

My biggest complaint with tights is that they do not accommodate skinny-ankled people like myself.

It's very little trouble for me to accommodate my fans, unless I'm actually taking a pee at the time.

I've got to restructure all my personal life now in order to accommodate public service, which is fine.

My work schedule doesn't always accommodate my workout schedule, but I make do with what time I've got.

Obama sought a strategy of accommodating our enemies, even if they weren't so willing to accommodate us.

Nothing remains great without a capacity to change and to accommodate the conditions of a changing world.

It's not the job of the art to accommodate me and make me more money, make me more famous and get me more girls.

Almost every sect of Christianity is a perversion of its essence, to accommodate it to the prejudices of the world.

The beauty of jazz is that it can accommodate all styles. You can take jazz and put rock in it, and it's still jazz.

Mankind, which has always been a part of nature, has reached a point where it is too much for nature to accommodate.

My position is that you've got to accommodate everything. I don't morally accommodate but imaginatively accommodate.

We started this band as kids, and as time has gone on, we've grown and are learning to accommodate each others' differences.

In every film, I sport a different look for each character. It's almost as if my features change to accommodate the characters.

I was thinking of going to London drama schools or to New York, because France didn't accommodate the things I wanted to do in film.

It is important that we return to the principles of the Dublin agreement and help Greece with European funds to accommodate refugees.

The problem is that the economy isn't growing fast enough to accommodate the level of spending produced through the democratic process.

Jazz can accommodate so many things. Jazz is like the universe: it's been expanding since its creation, and it's connected to everything.

String theory is not the only theory that can accommodate extra dimensions, but it certainly is the one that really demands and requires it.

All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.

Sharia is the impetus behind multinational diplomatic efforts to accommodate Sharia blasphemy prohibitions on expression that offends Muslims.

I was a weedy kid, not like one of those working-class men who can accommodate not being academically clever by physical strength and prowess.

We have a large pool of talented and educated women, and yet workplaces haven't necessarily changed to accommodate the reality of their lives.

Whole Foods is a wonderland molded to accommodate the psyche of the socially-responsible, guilt-ridden liberal - the crunchy Kucinich capitalist.

In one century, we've added 28 years to our average life span - a change so rapid that our brains couldn't possibly have evolved to accommodate it.

If the United States and China can accommodate each other on a broad range of issues, the prospects for stability in Asia will be greatly increased.

The British, and most European countries, have struggled to accommodate Muslim immigrants, but they have nevertheless welcomed them in large numbers.

Our technology is very scalable. Our software can accommodate enormous numbers of clients. It's a marvelous opportunity. We'll keep developing products.

For the liberal state to accommodate a diversity of beliefs while having few positive convictions is one of the more admirable achievements of civilization.

I used to do most of my composing at a little table in a cafe. Composing for 52 instruments, I had to figure out how to accommodate myself to the small table.

I think architecture is rarely the product of a single ideology. It's more like it can be shaped by a really big idea. It can accommodate a lot of life forms.

In most cases, I think most executive producers and studio executives really do their best to accommodate you. At least, that's been my experience in most cases.

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