Sage is cleansing and sacred.

I am very particular about cleansing.

I have a regular cleansing, toning and moisturising routine.

Admitting failure is quite cleansing, but never - pleasurable.

No yogic practice is performed without cleansing the body first.

There is nothing so cleansing or reassuring as a vicarious sadness.

We do not wish and do not need to expel Arabs and take their places.

To be humbly ashamed is to be plunged in the cleansing bath of truth.

Crying is cleansing. There's a reason for tears, happiness or sadness.

I don't think nations can stand aside for ethnic cleansing and genocide.

I use the Clairsonic Cleansing system to wash my face three times a week.

I use the Tatcha Cleansing Oil. That's probably what I splurge on the most.

Obscenity is a cleansing process, whereas pornography only adds to the murk.

How can we return the occupied territories? There is nobody to return them to.

In the evening, I use a cleansing oil - coconut oil also works - to remove makeup.

I put hibiscus flower in every cup of tea I have. It's sweet, sexy, and cleansing.

The Palestinians are like crocodiles, the more you give them meat, they want more.

She viewed ethnic cleansing, famine and genocide as direct threats to her furniture.

A decisive cleansing of the conscience is a prerequisite for unhindered access to God

I attach great importance to cleansing. I wash my face very well at the end of the day.

While skin and race are often synonymous, skin cleansing is good, race cleansing is bad.

Every calamity should lead to a thorough cleansing of individual as well as social life.

There is a wellspring of life within you where you can go for cleansing and transformation.

Music is my form of cleansing and introspection, so I have to grow in order to accomplish it.

We need a mass cleansing, street by street, piazza by piazza, neighbourhood by neighbourhood.

There is not one single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population.

For me, juicing isn't about binging and cleansing; I try to incorporate it into a balanced diet.

America's development began with a large-scale ethnic cleansing, unprecedented in human history.

There is no ethnic cleansing in Bahrain, no mass genocide, no policy of killing innocent people.

I have been writing now for over a week. I find it cleansing, refreshing; it is good for me.” (p.531)

The body can't distinguish between cleansing and punishing for the body is ignorant, and mute besides.

Healing is not an overnight process; it is a daily cleansing of pain, it is a daily healing of your life.

I love Neutrogena's Makeup Remover Cleansing Wipes. They get all my makeup off and are really moisturizing.

The thought of being on my own really terrified me. But then I realized being alone is really a cleansing thing.

Krishna insisted on outer cleanliness and inner cleansing. Clean clothes and clean minds are an ideal combination.

I used the Deep Cleansing Masque on my wedding day because I wanted everything - including my complexion - to be perfect!

When I get home at night, then it's time for the real cleansing deal. I go to town either with the Clarisonic or ProActiv.

I went to a cleansing retreat in the desert where I didn't eat for eight days and experienced hunger-driven hallucinations.

I had enough therapy to know when I broke it down, it became clearer to me: Yes, comedy was kind of a cleansing thing for me to do.

The pain of losing my child was a cleansing experience. I had to throw overboard all excess baggage and keep only what is essential.

I believe that cleansing and hydrating is extremely important, especially with the environment's condition and the pollution around.

800,000 Armenian deportees were actually killed... by holding the guilty accountable the government is intent on cleansing the bloody past.

In Italy, they say rain on your wedding day is symbolic of fresh beginnings, cleansing, a pure marriage, and also a wet knot that can't be untied.

I paint and I sculpt and I enjoy doing things that aren't for the public. There's no pressure to it, it's just something that's a cleansing of the mind.

But we acted pre-emptively in Kosovo in 1999 to stop Milosevic from doing what he was doing and increasingly doing the ethnic cleansing in a systematic way.

I juice beetroots, carrots, celery, pineapples, or anything in my fridge that's left over. I just chuck it all in - it's very good for cleansing your system.

I love cleansing my face in the mornings and at night using Bliss Foaming Facial Wash. It makes my skin feel soft, and the refreshing smell always wakes me up.

When there's justice and change, you start to see the cleansing of the soul, and that is what I want for people, and I hope it's okay for me to say those things.

I do follow cleansing and hydrate my skin. It is really important. Especially before going to bed, you have to remove make-up, clean your skin, and hydrate your skin.

We wouldn't think of rising in the morning without a face-wash, but we often neglect that purgative cleansing of the Word of the Lord. It wakes us up to our responsibility.

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