Love color. Take risks. Stay curious.

I do not like being in front of the camera.

There is a voice, and there is a DNA to how I design.

I am just a curious gal who is continuing to be curious.

Having an eye is one thing, but you have to be able to execute.

The single most important key to success is to be a good listener.

Informed clients are better clients, and they make for better design.

Once I've designed something, I immediately move on to the next thing.

I look at every piece of furniture and every object as an individual sculpture.

The mixture of weird textures and organic surfaces creates an interesting dialogue.

Hollywood style means classic glamour. My reference is the 1940s through the 1960s.

I'm a designer, which includes interiors, architecture, fashion, furniture, and lifestyle.

I love history. Everything is inspired by history, so that's why I love vintage and antiques.

I love history... everything is inspired by history, so that's why I love vintage and antiques.

Besides almonds or granola, I don't eat a lot during the day - juicing is what gives me energy.

I'm not the bake-sale-mom type - though once in a while, I'll make challah French toast for my sons.

My mother handed down all these amazing scarves from the sixties and seventies, and I have a hundred of them.

My husband and I go to Il Fico every Friday, and I get the whole-wheat pizza. I won't eat pizza anywhere else!

Everything is about color. If you look at magazines and advertising and television, the thing you remember is the color.

Whether you're going to a museum or a flea market or flipping through a book, always be on the lookout for something special.

Hollywood Regency is a label some people put on me, but I consider myself a modernist in that I always try to make the work feel fresh.

Every year, my boys and I create new cool gift wrap paper. We hand paint the design and come up with interesting ways to wrap each gift.

I've never seen most of the fashion reality shows. The only one I've seen is 'Project Runway,' which is great, but I don't watch television.

The best thing I ever bought is a vintage Oscar de la Renta short gingham dress that I wore to my rehearsal dinner the night before my wedding.

My motto in life is 'Take risks;' you don't have a voice if you don't. You have to venture outside your boundaries. That's what life's all about.

Rawness and refinement are not opposite ends of a luxurious spectrum they are two complementary features with which to populate a luxe environment.

I would never shop from the Internet or a catalogue; otherwise, how am I going to educate my eye? I just love going out and searching for new things.

Rawness and refinement are not opposite ends of a luxurious spectrum... they are two complementary features with which to populate a luxe environment.

By acquiring all of your furniture from different eras and places and things that are expensive and inexpensive, it will make your end product have a great spirit.

The sky is the limit as long as you keep the rooms practical, and I have become better at that since I had children. Function, form and organisation are all important.

I love seeing people's reactions to gifts that I've created from my line, such as my gold horn ring, bottle openers, my 'Fallen' leather jacket and my Slither black and white sweater.

The same time I'm designing my collection, I'm also designing my store. It has to have brand awareness, an identity. I'm also designing the racks and the hangers, and juggling a lot of things.

I definitely start early and keep items in mind throughout the year for key people in my life. I love wrapping everyone's gifts in hand-painted wallpaper sheets, which gives the gift extra love.

I love to travel and to be inspired by new things, so everything is always new. I've never done the same bathroom or the same kitchen a second time. It's challenging, and I like to be challenged.

Willem de Kooning as an artist is insane, Sonia Rykiel is amazing for her colour sensibility, and Ettore Sottsass was an architect and product designer who sometimes created clothes to go with his other designs.

Everything I commission - whether it is for me or for a client's home or for a hotel or office - is absolutely unique to that job. I have everything made, or I find vintage and antique pieces at markets and auctions.

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