Fortune and love favor the brave.

No man provokes me with impunity.

This victory will be your I ruin.

Love is a kind of military service

Time is generally the best doctor.

Novelty in all things is charming.

Nothing is swifter than our years.

Neglect of appearance becomes men.

Dripping water hollows out a stone

The act is judged of by the event.

Time, motion and wine cause sleep.

Either attempt it not, or succeed.

Little things please little minds.

The end doesn't justify the means.

Simplicity is a jewel rarely found.

Time is the devourer of all things.

A woman is always buying something.

A safe pleasure is a tame pleasure.

Against the bold, daring is unsafe.

Love fed fat soon turns to boredom.

A lover fears all that he believes.

We can learn even from our enemies.

everything changes, nothing perishes

Chaste is she whom no one has asked.

Even pleasure cloys without variety.

Everything changes, nothing is lost.

If you want to be loved, be lovable.

The brave find a home in every land.

All things change, nothing perishes.

That you may be beloved, be amiable.

Pleasant words are the food of love.

Often they benefit who suffer wrong.

Love, and a cough, are not concealed.

Misfortunes often sharpen the genius.

Fortune resists half-hearted prayers.

Excessive love in loathing ever ends.

Tis best to be silent in a bad cause.

I can't live without you or with you.

If you want to be loved, be loveable.

If the art is concealed, it succeeds.

Art is most effective when concealed.

Whatever charm thou hast, be charming.

That tuneful nymph, the babbling Echo.

All things can corrupt perverse minds.

The prayers of cowards fortune spurns.

The gods behold all righteous actions.

Daring is not safe against daring men.

There is a divinity within our breast.

Love is a thing full of anxious fears.

You will go most safely in the middle.

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