Human nature craves novelty.

Novelty always sparks ideas.

Human nature is fond of novelty.

Man naturally yearns for novelty.

Novelty in all things is charming.

Nature conserves, prefers novelty.

Newness hath an evanescent beauty.

I'm a flash in the pan: a novelty.

Being a novelty had its advantages.

Novelty is a new kind of loneliness.

Novelty is the storehouse of pleasure.

Novelty is the great parent of pleasure.

The new is not a fashion, it is a value.

Novelties please less than they impress.

To the old, the new is usually bad news.

Novelty is both delightful and deceptive.

Chance is the only source of true novelty.

For me, novelty matters; uniqueness matters.

Monotony collapses time. Novelty unfolds it.

All novelty in faith is a sure mark of heresy.

Far, far from the clergy be the love of novelty!

All wonder is the effect of novelty on ignorance.

Novelty is an essential attribute of the beautiful.

Nothing is more dangerous than a dogmatic worldview.

The novelty we want is always close to the familiar.

Where there is no novelty, there can be no curiosity.

I love only extreme novelty or the things of the past.

Novelty has charms that our minds can hardly withstand.

The merit of originality is not novelty; it is sincerity.

Nobody appropriates novelties as readily as the Portuguese.

Novelty is a concept of commerce, not an aesthetic concept.

What is valuable is not new, and what is new is not valuable.

I wasn't interested in novelty. I was looking for good drama.

The novelty business is astounding. We can't keep up with it.

We survive on novelty, so much less demanding than commitment.

Novelty is always welcome but talking pictures are just a fad.

I'm not a novelty act from the '80s in most parts of the world.

It is always the latest song that an audience applauds the most.

The novelty of corsets and dresses and hats very soon wears off.

Nothing excites jaded Grandmasters more than a theoretical novelty

A lot of why I do something is just the novelty of the experience.

There is little novelty in the detective who cannot solve himself.

I don't set trends. I just find out what they are and exploit them.

Fifty percent of the world are women, yet they always seem a novelty.

It is not in novelty but in habit that we find the greatest pleasure.

The most promising ideas begin from novelty and then add familiarity.

The ultimate metaphysical ground is the creative advance into novelty.

Japan offers as much novelty perhaps as an excursion to another planet.

Ultimate novelty must be a situation where all boundaries are dissolved.

Only God and some few rare geniuses can keep forging ahead into novelty.

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