We live in the world we are thinking of.

Study everything, but study yourself first.

We are only alone when we abandon ourselves.

Live your dream. Do what you came here to do.

Connect with those who remind you who you are.

We are children of the Earth...respect your mother.

Everyone you see is you in a different time & space.

It's not what you do, it's how you feel while doing it.

Connect with people who remind you of what you truly are.

The universe reveals its secrets to those that dare to follow their hearts.

Separation is The Only Disease, It is The Cause—Everything Else is The Effect!

Words are powerful vibrations, use words to uplift your spirits and heal yourself.

Whenever you define who you are, you limit yourself to what you may potentially be.

We are not here to love just one person, we are here to love everything in existence.

The only disease you have is your inability to see you have the power to heal yourself.

People's opinions of us will always change, but how we see ourselves will stay with us forever.

There is no failure, only a process which is leading us to become the greatest version of ourselves.

Relationships serve as a gateway to expansion, when there is no longer expansion, there is no longer a relationship.

There is no shop, book, or person, that gives you confidence; it comes through reconnecting with your true authentic self.

Are you doing what your heart desires, or living up to society's expectations, what friends and family think? Because the moment you start doing what you love, what you truly feel in your heart, all your cells start working for you.

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