Nature has different times.

Different times need different types of leadership.

Everyone you see is you in a different time & space.

I get inspired at different times and in different ways.

All children have gifts, some open them at different times.

Everyone finds their voice at different times in their life.

You express different energies at different times in your life.

I want to make work that reflects different times and processes.

Everybody has their own path. Everybody peaks at different times.

At different times in your life, your body needs different things.

At different times in my life I met God from a different point of view.

A lot of people experience racism at different times on different terms.

As an artist, you find at different times you want to do different things.

There was probably, different times [I was taking care of] 25, 50 families.

Every piece of music I have composed reminds me of a different time in my life.

I've been all sorts of different shapes and sizes at different times in my life.

What time is it? It is by every star a different time, and each most falsely true.

At different times I taught humanities, social sciences and pre-vocational education.

Boxing's a funny business and sometimes different fights come along at different times.

You need people who are vocal on the pitch to give information at different times of the game.

My career's been a steady, interesting, weird, frustrating, fun journey at all different times.

I do have, at different times, a certain kind of self-consciousness in the world, an insecurity.

I'm interested in the gene bank of how Americans have built in different regions in different times.

Some guys like to eat two or three different times a day before the game. I eat once, and that's it.

A wise person does at once, what a fool does at last. Both do the same thing; only at different times.

I mean, I've done different things at different times that I shouldn't have done, once or twice, you know.

I moved around 13 different times before I was in fifth grade, not having money, not having a lot of friends.

Lifelong learning is becoming commonplace, with people studying at different times when they see the benefits of doing so.

I've listened to a lot of different styles of music growing up, and they've all influenced me at different times in my life.

You have to stay open, and things may come at different times, but I have to dream big, and that's what I'm going to be doing.

Symbols have power and meaning and can mean different things to different people at different times and in different contexts.

At different times my children went to Polish, British, and American schools, and they learned about 'the nation' in all of them.

We live in an era now where every episode is reviewed 80 different times on the Internet by periodicals you've never even heard of.

I'd have to be superman to do some of the things I'm supposed to have done, I've been at six different places at six different times.

I understand now the different games and the different approaches that you need to take at different times, with different styles of play.

I lived in New York for five years; I've lived in Barcelona, Rome, and Paris at different times. When I was 18, I was dying to live in a city.

Everyone experiences different parts of themselves at different times, these different parts of themselves that come out in different settings.

To make the script, you need ideas, and for me a lot of times, a final script is made up of many fragments of ideas that came at different times.

The thing most consistently on my desk as I write is a cat - a different one at different times of the day. I think I'm more a part of their ritual.

Literature hasn't come up with any new themes. The literature of all different times - it's still dealing with how one resolves issues of existence.

Man I got so many regrets. The biggest is that Eminem gave me so many demos - six different times he approached me, and I didn't sign him. Shame on me.

Desserts are all about form and function, about warm and hot and cold. I want every component to hit your palate on different levels at different times.

Hard work most often leads to success, but it's not every day, and it's not every week. It will pay off at different times over the course of your career.

It takes having your golf peak four different times throughout the year. You have to like all four golf courses. You've got to be the best of that week for the four weeks.

My influences are all over the place. Different films have spoken to me at different times in my life, and they've helped create my idea of the kind of films I want to make.

During my time we had two chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, at different times of course, on the bridge, both of whom asked my permission to sit on the captain's chair.

Maradona and Messi played in different times and in different positions. Messi is much more a striker, Diego was all over the entire pitch. They are two extraordinary players.

It's a frustrating game because the situations so drastically change at different times over the course of the week, the game, the season. It feels like brain surgery at times.

Biologically and physiologically, we are not equal. Some of us learn better at different times of day. Some learn best visually, some auditorially, some tactilely, by touching.

I don't believe that anybody has come to a conclusion on why something is funny. It's funny because it's ridiculous and it's ridiculous for different reasons at different times.

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