I think all art - even one as lowly as making jokes about celebrities - is there to make a connection.

Try something. And never be afraid to fail. That failure is useful too. It's just another building block.

I never think of myself as a celebrity - or even an actor, actually. I think of myself as a writer-director.

The next time someone is critical of you, just take a moment to consider their life. Then smile to yourself.

Know your limitations and be content with them. Too much ambition results in promotion to a job you can't do.

I don't believe in about 2700 Gods. Christians don't believe in 2699 Gods. They're nearly as atheistic as me.

Spirituality really lost its way when it became a stick to beat people with: ‘Do this or you’ll burn in hell.

Luckily, even when people are shouting lies, the truth is undamaged. Science doesn't matter what you believe.

I'm not from around these parts. I'm from a little place called England: we used to run the world before you.

I see myself much more as a writer/director or at least an aspiring writer/director - not necessarily in film.

With Netflix, I browse; I watch documentaries about things I'd never dream of, but I think, 'I might as well.'

I have to be excited, I have to have an adrenaline rush about doing something, or it bores me, I feel trapped.

People have let me down in the past. I've loved something, and it's become a disgrace. I'd rather start again.

I always do a little bit of improv. I did some of 'The Office,' a tiny bit in 'Extras,' a bit more in 'Derek.'

The second series is always my favourite as a writer/director; you can hit the ground running... so that's fun.

With 'The Office' and 'Extras' I've always snuck in a little bit of heart and pathos - and drama, which is fun.

America champions the underdog. We champion the underdog until he's not the underdog anymore, and he annoys us.

People now live their lives like an open wound to be famous - they do bad things because they're rewarded for it.

I'm influenced by those '40s, '50s, and '60s films: things like 'The Apartment' - I was a big fan of Billy Wilder.

If I do eat meat, it's got to be ethical. I want to know that it lived a great life before it was killed humanely.

What will it feel like after you die? Exactly the same as it felt for those billions of years before you were born.

If you're surrounded by idiots, you're the unpopular one and the odd one out because idiots don't like smart asses.

I like grown-up comedy, where it's about character and attitude and life as opposed to obvious gross-out and jokes.

I've never worked out what the moral of Humpty Dumpty is. I can only think of: Don't sit on a wall, if you're an egg.

Comedy is a medicine - a healing process that can help people get through difficult times and understand things better

Being honest is what counts. To make the ordinary extraordinary is so much better than starting with the extraordinary.

I could always take a joke. I could always be the butt of the joke. I could always hand it out. That was just who I was.

It's better to create something that others criticise than to create nothing and criticise others. Go create, have fun!!

I always chose all my friends on whether they were funny. What's a better way to pass the time than laughing or smiling?

To be fair to David Brent, he wants to be famous for doing something, for being a musician, but he's just not good enough.

I feel that a lot of British comedy is often too bombastic, too obvious, dressing up and shouting and pulling funny faces.

Just looking at all the faces here reminds me of some of the great work that was done this year . . . by cosmetic surgeons.

I like flying to New York from London. It's like a day off for me. No phone or e-mails. Food, wine, iPod, movies, snoozing.

A world without any lies at all is not a good world, because it's artless and because there are no white lies, no flattery.

Someone asked me what three things I would save if my house was on fire. I said my cat, my salamander and one of the twins.

Of all the disciplines involved in making anything - TV, film or anything I do - the writing is the most valuable commodity.

You can just keep getting it worse until you have to pull back and let the audience breathe. But yeah, I really love digging.

You can be watching the greatest film in the world, and if you hear your neighbor getting into a fight, you're at the window.

To complain about critics in a business is like a sailor complaining about the waves. Go back to the beach if you don't like it.

Some [people] are really smart. You know who you are. Some [people] are really thick. Unfortunately, you don't know who you are.

Got a proper job at 28. Gave it up to try comedy at 38. Decided to get fit and healthy at 48. It's never too late. But do it now

I haven't had my teeth fixed, I haven't had a hair transplant. I haven't had a skin peel, tummy tuck. I've done literally nothing.

When you are dead, you do not know you are dead. It's only painful and difficult for others. The same applies when you are stupid.

Suggesting I hate people with religion because I hate religion is like suggesting I hate people with cancer because I hate cancer.

Life is so interesting... just every day life. I remember someone once saying: "Drama is real life with the boring bits taken out."

You now have the least amount of time you've ever had, to do everything you've ever wanted to do. Enjoy your life. You only get one

I've avoided doing a network comedy, because I wouldn't get my own way. Even though it would get more viewers, it wouldn't be mine.

Everyday life is interesting enough, whether it be in an office or being ignored on the set of something supposedly more glamorous.

Enjoy life. Have fun. Be kind. Have worth. Have friends. Be honest. Laugh. Die with dignity. Make the most of it. It's all we've got.

Americans are brought up to believe they can grow up to be the president of the United States. Brits are told, It won't happen to you.

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