You can't change your game based on where you're playing.

My mother was the biggest influence on me, without question.

You're not always going to be perfect, but I always try to be.

If making an error doesn't make you mad, what's the point? Why put all the work in?

I'm not comfortable being that outgoing guy. That's not me. I never used to talk to anybody.

I've discovered there is another life besides baseball. You have to be balanced to be a happy person.

I try not to have personal goals. Personal numbers is a mind-set. The only numbers I care about are in the win column.

Obviously, success breeds more confidence. And it's pretty easy to be confident if you're getting a hit almost every time at bat.

I'm still very critical of myself, but I've learned to deal with it. You know that every at-bat is important, but it's not life and death.

I try to stay on an even keel. I get really fired up on occasion, but staying relaxed and under control bodes better for my game than getting out of control.

I don't feel any pressure when I'm up there at the plate. I feel it when I'm in the on-deck circle, but when I'm in the box, it's just me and the pitcher, and I get zoned in.

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