When I left university, I idled around without focus for much too long.

I like swimming. I like the beach. I like fast cars. I like speedboats.

Design without discipline is anarchy, an exercise of irresponsibilit y.

Some of your teachers are actually closer in age to you than you think.

I believe in the near future we will 3D print our buildings and houses.

Choice is a form of compromise, no? So why choose if you can have both?

I do say I'm a specialist in divas. Name a diva - I've worked with 'em.

I'm someone that never likes to overpower the girls in hair and makeup.

I have lost my short-term memory - I'm just getting blonder by the day.

What we're doing is giving her new exciting fashion things every month.

Steve Jobs changed my life. He also changed the life of every designer.

perpetuity in a home is a blanket for the cold years that come with age.

Shoes are a mirror of what you want, what you are or what you're missing

I think that, in comparison, New Yorkers and Northerners are so guarded.

You can’t have what you want to have, without doing what you need to do.

People will always have their opinions; I've come to learn whose matter.

To design something really new and innovative you have to reject reason.

We're very genuinely designing the best products that we can for people.

You learn a lot about vital corporations through non-vital corporations.

I've forgiven all my enemies - even those who have stolen money from me.

You cannot use the democratic process for the procurement of excellence.

Food can be a material, and you can use it as a way to project concepts.

You want to look great under your clothes and obviously without clothes.

Direct to consumer really gives you control of your business completely.

The surest way to heal an eco-system is to connect it to more of itself.

The idea of connecting all people to knowledge and each other is enduring

I am interested in all things that celebrate and enhance the female form.

I'm a designer, I love it, and I haven't worked this hard to do bad work.

We shouldn't be afraid to fail- if we are not failing we are not pushing.

I left London in 1992, but I'm there 3-4 times a year, and love visiting.

If you are truly innovating, you don't have a prototype you can refer to.

The absence of clutter is just a clutter-free product. That's not simple.

Our goal is simple objects, objects that you can't imagine any other way.

Everyone loves to get a letter. I love sending them. I love getting them.

Wearing a hat is fun; people have a good time when they're wearing a hat.

No one is obliged to be a genius, but everyone is obliged to participate.

I keep saying I'm going to cut back on styling, but it's hard to give up.

I don't really care about gossip. I care about building great businesses.

If you're not having doubt, you're not pushing the boundaries far enough.

You need to believe in yourself and what you do. Be tenacious and genuine.

In Paris, I really do like to try and do nothing... but that's impossible.

Perhaps I'd like to design cars, but I don't think I'd be much good at it.

Architecture was pretty much the sexiest thing to be doing from 1700-1800.

It's better to have fewer things of quality than too much expendable junk.

I wear Sweet Revenge, the legging boots, a lot particularly in the winter.

People whose talents are not exploited become disenchanted and disruptive.

Knowing there is a structure, hidden or felt, to the random gives pleasure.

To feel like a woman, wear heels, to feel like a goddess, wear five inches.

These heels are candy for the feet; they’re for pleasure, not practicality.

A woman tells a story with her clothes, but it's the shoe that carries her.

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