Oprah has this intense curiosity that I haven't found with any interviewer.

There's no learning without trying lots of ideas and failing lots of times.

Designing and developing anything of consequence is incredibly challenging.

If doing anything new, you're very used to having insurmountable obstacles.

I've got a farm in Somerset, and I think it's God's own country. I love it.

Elegance and honesty are two mandatory parameters for any human production.

Accessories are everything. To me, they're more important than the clothes.

All those things they say about a baby changing your perspective - it does!

The Pantheon was the first church I'd ever seen that had an open view to God

The core of my work is dedicated not to pleasing women, but to pleasing men.

The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think.

I hate that impeccable, perfectly perfect look, all matched and prearranged.

What I want is not to become a status symbol, but to give beauty at a price.

I feel that it's lovely when, as a user, you're not aware of the complexity.

...if all people doing desktop publishing were doctors we would all be dead!

The worst thing you could ever get is people who think they know everything.

Our job is to get people in, create the spaces, and then get out of the way.

It's going to sound strange probably. But I really like Frank Gehry's works.

We who have been ahead in STYLE have usually been also ahead in our thinking.

Burberry is now as much a media-content company as we are a design company...

Measuring and laying out the room in advance can save you a lot of headaches.

I cook and wash, cook and wash. When I am done, the kitchen is like a mirror.

The first thing I notice about a man are his shoes. Then I look at his watch.

Like I said, TLC has enough of my life. I have to keep some of it for myself.

I don't want anything that I buy to have done any harm to anyone or anything.

Beauty is very important, but it's not the most important thing in the world.

My juicer is not meant to squeeze lemons; it is meant to start conversations.

I don't come from a family of slackers, but I do come from a family of doers.

I've never met a truly creative person who was happy and satisfied with life.

Computers are great tools, but they need to be applied to the physical world.

I love deep cleavage on the foot. It reminds me of Berlin in 1930s, 'Cabaret.'

Personally I am not very self-reliant when it comes to internet and computers.

I'm a hardcore gamer and would never let you down by designing a crappy title.

Apple's Jony Ive describes his "fanatical" approach to design in new interview

By training, I'm an engineer, but I don't tell anyone because it bores people.

I'm not a person who regrets - it doesn't make me smarter to regret something.

One cannot separate the spider web's form from the way in which it originated.

It is only through hard work and awareness that we can truly own our identity.

The ardent golfer would play Mount Everest if somebody put a flagstick on top.

I make hats for lots of iconic people, and that makes my job very interesting.

My studio's passion is improving the public experience of cities for everyone.

There are not many original shapes or silhouettes -- only a million variations.

Fragrance is so intimate for a lot of women - it's your essence, your identity.

We were promised a simpler life, and technology has only complicated our lives.

One thing most people don't know is that Steve Jobs is an exceptional designer.

People have this impression that I'm a little kooky, but I'm actually very OCD.

I look at every piece of furniture and every object as an individual sculpture.

In my whole life, I've worn black tie three times. I can't tie the knot myself.

Everything we're doing means there is a much bigger audience that we can reach.

The designer's job is to imagine the world not how it is, but how it should be.

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