I come from Denmark; Fisker Automotive comes from California.

Guys out there have no sense of how their clothes should fit.

I do not think you can find a reason for everything you make.

Life is not fair, so why should I make a course that is fair.

Hats are radical; only people that wear hats understand that.

My mother and I never got along, not even when I was a child.

An expert is someone who tells you why you can't do something.

I don't follow anything online. I am rather slow on that side.

You're abandoning a lot of ideas when you're too into comfort.

There is beauty when something works and it works intuitively.

In my studio, I forbid people to work if they have a down day.

People like their handbag more than their sofa, and I hate it.

The public don't know what they want; it's my job to tell them.

Indifference is isolation. In difference is texture and wonder.

When you go to the park, there is no horizon - just Disneyland.

I like someone who has a little bad boy in them, a little edge.

Having an eye is one thing, but you have to be able to execute.

There's no reason for your imagination to be fettered by money.

I like transparency. I love to have views throughout the house.

When people think of hats, they think of her majesty the queen.

A plant is only worth growing if it looks good when it is dead.

A failed experiment can be more important than a trivial design

In fashion even what seems most fragile must be built on cement.

I love David Lynch's 'Mulholland Drive;' such a wonderful movie.

I think every brand in the world has gone through ups and downs.

Design isn't risky - change is. Good design mitigates that risk.

It's very easy to be different, but very difficult to be better.

I think a beautiful product that doesn't work very well is ugly.

I always think that the project I'm working on will be the best.

The idea is not to copy nature, but to give a feeling of nature.

My memories are of denim. I remember being 12 in my Levi's. Wow!

To make architecture with any real value is a massive challenge.

If you don't love something, it's not functional, in my opinion.

Our brain needs comfort. When you irritate it, you cannot think.

My dresses help women discover figures they didn't know they had.

Fashion isn't interesting when it comes from an uninspired place.

There's no other product that changes function like the computer.

A grid is like underwear, you wear it but it's not to be exposed.

For the most part things never get built the way they were drawn.

It thrills observers and makes the wearer feel a million dollars.

For me, the future isn't coming from the USA, like it was before.

Fear is the mortal enemy of creativity, innovation, and happiness.

I think we're in a quiet time right now. luxury can be in the fit.

The worst times can be the best if you think with positive energy.

I've never designed a bicycle, so one day that would be fun to do.

Cheap work is seldom, if ever, valuable. Usually, it’s just cheap.

The nature of having ideas and creativity is incredibly inspiring.

The single most important key to success is to be a good listener.

Luckily I have never missed a day's filming or work due to asthma.

America brought us the baseball cap; it's one of my favorite hats.

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