I think Steve Jobs is my idol.

Dare to risk public criticism.

The fashion cycle is outdated.

Great things happen only once.

A Marine is never intimidated.

We set out to change the world.

Worry is negative goal setting.

Profit per se is not my motive.

The client is not always right.

Changing the world is not easy.

In the end, we are our choices.

Word of mouth is very powerful.

Great products sell themselves.

I want to live to help my race.

People fail forward to success.

People fall forward to success.

Usage is like oxygen for ideas.

I'm pretty cheap, to be honest.

I'm an accidental entrepreneur.

If you want success, be unique.

The true entrepreneur is a doer

Nom is a place for food lovers.

Don't be afraid, you can do it.

Technology alone is not enough.

I hate diets and I love eating.

I like to say time is a luxury.

To me, my recipes are priceless.

We do as we feel not as we think

Fage does not make great yogurt.

I'm Hank, I do a bunch of stuff.

I know nothing about technology.

Luck is created by the prepared.

I make records so I can buy art.

Every silver lining has a cloud.

Cape Verde produces good people.

Democracy is always frustrating.

Every user has something to say.

Don't be evil is a load of crap.

'Entrepreneur' is a French word.

Focus on progress not perfection.

Money can actually make you holy.

An undefined goal is unreachable.

Ads shouldn't be in people's way.

It's important to be enlightened.

I believe you should help people.

You are always a little bit wrong

Nobody wanted to believe Jack Ma.

Games are all about taking risks.

Are you lazy or just incompetent?

Not the outcome any of us wanted.

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