I am strictly against remaking a movie.

I always say, 'Don't retire - inspire.'

I like to give my actors a lot of room.

Strange are the ways of human behavior.

Anything that's done correctly is easy.

I'm about as Chinese as Herbert Hoover.

Sun Valley is one of my favorite spots.

Feng shui isn't open to interpretation.

Nothing happens until I make it happen.

I'd need a good reason to drop my pants

Today at least I live in a better place

Acting is way of making yourself exist.

Strangers still leave me self-conscious.

I aspire to play interesting characters.

I love awards, especially if I get them.

This election ain't no stinkin' TV show.

The sight of burnt orange makes me puke.

I have a jaundiced eye but a young mind.

I have been acting since I was thirteen.

I know I don't go looking for directors.

I never saw myself as being a cop on TV.

Can I, just one time, play the good guy?

I do enjoy reading some science fiction.

Character actors have a long shelf life.

I always wanted to tell stories and act.

I'm very much a bit of a ghost presence.

I'm a firm believer in absolute honesty.

Winners do what losers don't want to do.

I'm like old shoes, I've never been hip.

The Force is within you. Force yourself.

Voting is an individual, personal thing.

Nothing beats the original Krispy Kreme.

There's a lot of skeletons in my closet!

Out here a man settles his own problems.

Cause even grown men need understanding.

Some people can handle fame, some can't.

I delight in embarrassing somebody else.

Gut health is the key to overall health.

I cherish my work and all of my readers.

It's much more enjoyable being an actor.

Actors can't retire. What would they do?

An actors' tribute to me is in his work.

I am a Rambling Wreck from Georgia Tech.

Everything is so convenient in New York.

I wish to hazard my soul to opportunity.

I don't care if I never see Texas again.

I'm an actor and my job is to interpret.

I was a nervous kid, not great socially.

I just like to look beautiful sometimes.

The little I know I owe to my ignorance.

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