Those that have loved longest love best.

Nothing ends nicely, that's why it ends.

I'm afraid of the dark. I'm not kidding.

I look at everything in an artistic way.

Everybody thinks they deserve something.

People want to see realism in action now.

I always tell the truth. Even when I lie.

If you get all tangled up, just tango on.

People are always ready to pull you down.

So don't applaud. Just send me the check.

Actors and burglars work better at night.

Dames are always pulling a switch on you.

Without training you will not grow wings.

If you take shortcuts, you get cut short.

To me, success is choice and opportunity.

Never send a human to do a machine's job.

I cannot live anywhere else except India.

We all look the same with our helmets on.

Scientology is destructive and a rip-off.

Hollywood has given me a great, warm hug.

I think we're all mysteries to ourselves.

A man's got to do what a man's got to do.

A man ought to do what he thinks is right

Resolutions are exhausting. Embrace ease.

I only make movies to finance my fishing.

I wouldn't mind being taller or stronger.

Pictures are packaged and cast by agents.

I'm just looking for touching characters.

As a child I'd get given parts as a tree.

Women liked me because I made them laugh.

I think people are afraid to be original.

No one ever watched competitive swimming.

I almost died and everyday, I wish I did.

I have no qualms being a character actor.

I'm a sci-fi guy. But I like fantasy too.

Every relationship has its complications.

Stars today are just masturbation images.

A healthy outside starts from the inside.

I grew up in Vancouver, British Columbia.

I want to do more work behind the camera.

Don't be negative. It shows on your face.

I've never done a film that I'm proud of.

I dont think about the Fonda legacy much.

I always knew I was going to die in space.

Martial art has always been my first love.

I like poems and keep sharing them online.

I enjoy high-speed about-turns in thought.

I would like to do more independent films.

I don't hang out at trendy Hollywood bars.

Filmmaking as a process, it's bittersweet.

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