Women are less aesthetic than men.

When you grow up, your heart dies.

I just like to do different parts.

People think I'm totally crackers.

My parents were strict but loving.

I keep to myself, but I love life.

I want my outfit to match my mood.

If you're a dancer, study singing.

Usually New York has lousy salads.

That's my business, show business.

Don't be afraid of your own power.

I'm very, very low-key in general.

I never turned down a mother role.

I don't watch a lot of television.

I'm primarily a character actress.

I was a total bad girl growing up.

I'm very passionate about animals.

I love life. I love life to death.

I'll continue doing good projects.

I always wanted to go to Sundance.

I never trusted good-looking boys.

I know I'm profane. And outspoken.

The secret is to just keep moving.

I always tried to play my hunches.

I am not a big 'Hunger Games' fan.

Ken Jeong might be my biggest fan.

Thank God for product and blusher.

I'm the worst at making decisions!

Acting has been very useful to me.

I talk about my cats all the time.

I don't want people to look at me.

I’m very shy, I feel very awkward.

Forever turned out to be too long.

I'm starting to find my own style.

I am not perfect. That's for sure.

Our pets are a part of our family.

I don't do anything with my brows.

There is no shame in black beauty.

I was an English major in college!

I'm a Hindu and a Nepali by birth.

I'm not a massive 'Star Trek' fan.

I have never lost my faith in God.

I do a job. I get paid. I go home.

It's so French to be a cat person.

Kids are very cruel to each other.

I've always looked old for my age.

I've always been a health fanatic.

I have no issues with my identity.

I grew up on a tiny little island.

I was a smoker for about 20 years.

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