Decoration is just make-up for the wrinkles of the idea.

Anyone who uses Helvetica knows nothing about typefaces.

It's a cliché, but typefaces are really just ingredients.

Peter Noever is a pain in the ass and a joy in the heart.

As we say in Berlin, there are many ways to bake a parrot.

Hobbies are for people that don't like what they're doing.

Forget all the rules you ever learned about graphic design.

The truth about logos is that they are not that hard to do.

Typography is a hidden tool of manipulation within society.

Any excuse to get away from the computer screen is welcome.

Whenever I do overcome my inherent fear, it turns out well.

I don't think there are answers. I think there are thoughts.

Ideas do not need to be esoteric to be original or exciting.

The simpler the assignment, the more difficult the solution.

A product is often a consumer's only window to a corporation.

Drugs feel great in the beginning and become a drag later on.

Electronic equipment replaces neither Eyes, Hands, nor Heart.

Typography can be as exciting as illustration and photography.

Communication in every which way is everything for the leader.

Digital design is like painting, except the paint never dries.

You don't need your eyes to love. You just feel it inside you.

When you have something truthful to say, it will design itself.

We don't talk about planes flying. We talk about them crashing.

The best way to achieve surprise quality is by avoiding cliches.

I make solutions that nobody wants to problems that don't exist.

It's much harder to be an in-house person than an outside person.

Just because something is legible doesn't mean it communicates...

When people say, 'I don't get art' ... that means art is working.

Planning involves considering how other people may use something.

Sometimes you don't have to mean to hurt someone to hurt someone.

If print was invented tomorrow, it would be the death of digital.

Graphic design will save the world right after rock and roll does.

My site is a little unorthodox without being totally inaccessible.

Design is a solution to a problem. Art is a question to a problem.

Creativity is essentially a lonely art. An even lonelier struggle.

Part of maturing as a designer is discovering what you're good at.

Its focus wasn't on the written word but how the word was written.

Middle School is about as bad as it gets, and then it gets better.

This is my real concern: to give each film a unique individuality.

If you see something you have seen before, don't click the shutter.

You need the confidence to fail in order to take risks in your work

If you are going to have less things, they have to be great things.

I've been a printmaker and designed objects. I've done 500 posters.

I didnt think that personal style had much value in graphic design.

The difference between good design and great design is INTELLIGENCE

Designers like even grayness, which is the worst thing for a reader.

Good problem-seekers are in higher demand than good problem-solvers.

Designers, stay away from corporations that want you to lie for them

The idea of trying able to explain why you do what you do is absurd.

The goal of design is to raise the expectation of what design can be

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