For me, typography is a triangular relationship between design idea, typographic elements, and printing technique.

When Braniff abandoned stripes, they wound up with a flying jelly bean and that's not a good feeling for passengers.

I've watched Spike Lee's career with interest, and he seemed to be striving for an original and moral point of view.

It's not about knowing all the gimmicks and photo tricks. If you haven't got the eye, no program will give it to you.

I'm hoping that I continue to be innovative on things that are tremendously visible and are still important projects.

I think there should be a rule that everyone in the world should get a standing ovation at least once in their lives.

If you haven't read Alan Fletcher's The Art of Looking Sideways you should be arrested for calling yourself a Designer

I'm very much a word person, so that's why typography for me is the obvious extension. It just makes my words visible.

What I hate is when something I've done is replaced by something better than what I've done. It's really embarrassing.

We become different people and we adapt to our environments, but that doesn't have anything to do with being creative.

The difference between closing or opening your eyes is the choice between the imagined vs real. Blinking is only human.

I am convinced that abstract form, imagery, color, texture, and material convey meaning equal to or greater than words.

The moment clients realize that revisions are not an all-you-can-eat buffet, suddenly they realize they are not hungry.

The idea of retirement seems to imply that you stop doing what you always did. Why would you do that? I don't get that.

There are brands out there in the world that have an incredible influence on the culture. Numerous ones are badly done.

My work seen in its totality is a statement about the integration of the contemporary artist into an industrial society.

I always drew. I was, you know, the school artist. I was the person who made the posters for the prom. That's who I was.

Try to reach for a simple, visual phrase that tells you what the picture is all about and evokes the essence of the story

Design is about crafting an experience that is unfamiliar enough to feel novel, yet familiar enough to instill confidence.

I had a lot of enthusiasms that were very contradictory, I was never very doctrinaire in the type of design I wanted to do.

The ideal trademark is one that is pushed to its utmost limits in terms of abstraction and ambiguity, yet is still readable.

We are truly bombarded by images. To break through and be observed, let alone focused on, you have to have impact and power.

I have a confession: I'm not a man of simplicity. I spent my entire early career making complex stuff. Lots of complex stuff.

Design is both a political and cultural force for change, although most designers choose not to think about the power it has.

Anyone interested in design must be interested in other fields of expression - theater, ballet, photography, literature, music.

What I'm trying to produce is the visual equivalent of the chord change that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

People who actually tell stories, meaning people who write novels and make feature films, don't see themselves as storytellers.

Corporations today, by their razor sharp focus on the 'bottom line' and quarterly earnings, have lost their ability to innovate.

If we don't have a vigorous questioning, aggressive journalistic community and mythology, democracy itself is in great jeopardy.

Identities are the beginning of everything. They are how something is recognized and understood. What could be better than that?

You know, whenever I was presented with a challenge that brought up feelings of fear or self-doubt, I almost always said, 'Yes'.

It's much more difficult to make an unbound book than a bound book, because the factories aren't set up to make an unbound book.

When I paint I do a different thing than when I design. But both involve aesthetics, both involve thought, both involve planning.

Growing up, I found I was good at two things: Art and Math. To hear my parents say it, though, it was only, 'John is good at Math.

Growing up, I found I was good at two things: Art and Math. To hear my parents say it, though, it was only, 'John is good at Math.'

I discovered that I never really used Helvetica but I like to look at it. I like the VW beetle, too, although I've never driven one.

They [letters] are my friends Some people look at bottles of wine, or whatever - girls' bottoms - I get kicks out of looking at type.

You could say that bad typography brought us the Afghanistan war, the Iraq war, the housing crisis and a good number of other things.

For after all, a poster does more than simply supply information on the goods it advertises; it also reveals a society’s state of mind

Your work gets destroyed by dumb people and it gets enhanced by smart people and it really doesn't have anything to do with marketing.

It is the unexpected and the surprise quality of a personal vision, rather than the emotion, which make people respond to a photograph.

Graphic design is a popular art and a practical art, an applied art and an ancient art. Simply put, it is the art of visualizing ideas.

I had discovered that I'm much less special than I thought I am. So whatever I find true for myself, other people might also relate to.

The difference between regulated architects and unregulated designers is, unlike buildings, letterheads don't fall down and kill people.

Just as typography is human speech translated into what can be read, so photography is the translation of reality into a readable image.

A good cook can make something amazing out of even the blandest ingredients. Still, you don't want to eat the exact same dish every day.

We're very concerned with language and how language works. We're trying to engage people rather than dictate how they should be thinking.

I actually like how doctors talk. I like the sound of science. I like how words you don't understand explain things you can't understand.

Trying to always be the nice guy, to appear good, can be limiting. Avoiding confrontation has closed up a number of possibilities for me.

The job of the designer is to make things understandable, usable, accessible, enjoyable... important to a public, that involves the public.

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