My basic life philosophy is Harry Potter

I'm ready for some rock 'n' roll action.

I saw A Hard Day's Night 12 or 13 times.

Surrender, but don’t give yourself away.

She was just another notch on my guitar.

Learn the lick, but learn FROM the lick.

My heart and soul are in the Stratocaster

There is no gap between art and politics.

Addiction is a symptom of not growing up.

To Be Young (is to be sad, is to be high)

I fail all of the time. It means nothing.

When I’m reaching an audience, I feel it.

Music is my friend, no matter where I go.

Dark master of sin, now my soul is yours.

The Nocturnal' was very nearly beyond me.

And I can do the rock clubs if I have to.

I want to make 20, 30, 50 studio records.

Tell me a boat full of lawyers just sank.

We may be human, but we're still animals.

Def Leppard is a rock band that can sing.

Don't mistake kindness for weakness, baby.

I would sing the blues if I had the blues.

I do like to smoke pot. I think it's good.

You could say I'm a laid-back kind of guy.

Giuseppe Continenza is a monster guitarist

I don't need to speak...I play the guitar!

Being worshipped is a horrible experience.

All bad jazz sounds like Woody Woodpecker.

If I could sing, I wouldnt be a guitarist.

I don't tend to stand still for very long.

That's what I wanted to do was play music.

When I play from my mind I get in trouble.

Music reflects on who you are as a person.

Creativity is the antidote to destruction.

Roger “Hurricane” Wilson is the real deal!

If your playing basic music, its just rock.

Nowadays, I really like playing in studios.

I think I know it all, relatively speaking.

People are only what we believe them to be.

The biggest reason for divorce is marriage.

Stores can be indifferent to something new.

How can you veto an idea you haven't heard?

I feel like it's my job to carry the torch.

We should have an easier name to pronounce.

I don't have very eclectic tastes in music.

I don't smoke, so they never sent me a copy

When I got to Chicago I had to find my way.

If you copy then it is not self-expression.

Jazz is the continual pulsation of the now.

If I weren't in the band, I would be a fan.

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