I love to be the loudest thing in the room.

If I could sing, I wouldn't be a guitarist.

I played on Asia records with Geoff Downes.

In sports, stats count. Music? Not so much.

The Beatles are the 'on switch' to my life.

The skin you're in makes choices for you...

I don't have a great nostalgia for the past.

'Rock Or Bust' is a thing we've always done.

Working hard is a skill you have to nurture!

Speed is a byproduct of good, slow practice.

Titanic got 14 nominations one per lifeboat.

The Katy Perry stuff, those are great songs.

I strive for honesty in playing what I feel.

I've got a great place, it's a country house

I don't smoke, so they never sent me a copy.

I want to be Michael Clifford for Halloween.

Great vocal track on "You can't cheat fate."

I had a lousy marriage and I drank too much.

Success has many fathers, failure many sons.

I'm a weird guy with a weird sense of humor.

Success is fickle, but creativity is a gift.

I soon gave up instruction for self-teaching

I also plan to release a ballads collection.

A man without patience is a lamp without oil.

Up come a flat top, he was movin' up with me.

I'm dedicated to touring the rest of my life.

I'm somewhat of a hoarder. I keep everything.

I also know that I am not a great technician.

A good mustache makes a man for many reasons.

My love life doesn't stink; it's nonexistent.

I've got a great place, it's a country house.

We're all just kids who grew up way too fast.

I think I'm a music fan before anything else.

We toured with Deep Purple a number of times.

When something is not good, it's bad. Period.

What we hear is the quality of our listening.

I quit drinking, smoking, doing anything bad.

Blues has always been a huge part of my life.

Record companies, they're just like lemmings.

I soon gave up instruction for self-teaching.

I love Glen Campbell. He never gets a mention.

The trouble with normal is it only gets worse.

Don't let your heart get broken by this world.

I always felt people should live with animals.

There are no limitations to any of our dreams.

The only good thing you ever said was goodbye.

Pop music is not a threatening style of music.

I can hardly understand the Australian accent.

I just want to be treated like an average guy.

I have a great family, I live an amazing life.

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