I'm a fan of creative writing and telling stories.

For me, it's always easier playing with a drummer.

I never sweat, which you might notice in pictures.

No one really knows me. People think they know me.

When you make a great record, it's around forever.

Be your own teacher. Let life write your textbook.

I might have been a psychologist. It interests me.

We're known as a touring band, not a singles band.

I never wanted to be Keith Richards or Jimmy Page.

Combing my hair doesn't make me a better musician.

I don't see myself as such an important guitarist.

I can never remember what I do even in the studio.

I saw Suicide in '74 and it was pretty horrifying.

Hefeweizen. Never drink something you can't spill.

The guitar is the coolest instrument in the world.

The problem is not cop killers...it's killer cops.

Eddie Van Halen was probably the most influential.

Nobody leaves this place without singing the blues.

The boy is not governed by don't, but is led by do.

I'm like an old dog, I hate to be run off from home

The size of the halls doesn't matter to me too much

Every time I'm in Georgia, I eat a peach for peace.

When you look at a strong brand, you see a promise.

A lot of the songs I've recorded are songs I write.

How can I be a folk? I'm from the suburbs you know.

Expression is when you are at one with nothingness.

I never finish a show without singing 'She's Gone.'

Pure, white rock 'n' roll, with no blues influence.

I wouldn't change a thing - except my bank balance.

Well, one of the best things is workin' with Muddy.

A life lived unexplored is a life not worth living.

I focused on how these people became how they were.

Avant-garde means never having to say you're sorry.

What I look for in musicians is a sense of infinity

The best part of waking up, is Folgers in your cup!

After I exhausted the blues thing, I got into jazz.

My songs are more arrangements than they are songs.

There's no such thing as a lead singer in our band.

The right notes mean more than 1,000 mph arpeggios.

I named my son after Randy Rhoads - Rhoads Morello.

'Purple Rain,' the album, is a great guitar record.

A boy on joining wants to begin Scouting right away.

I'm thankful for performing as long as I am allowed.

My music is more native than intricate or technical.

The size of the halls doesn't matter to me too much.

Fame is important, but to be rich is more important.

If you're lucky, you don't think in a straight line.

Like everybody, I'm making up my life as I go along.

Music is music; you don't have to put a label on it.

You have to know when to strike and when to retreat.

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