The '70's came and went already

I don't need to speak...I play the guitar!

Music is music; you don't have to put a label on it.

For me, L.A. was, and is, a very creative place to be.

I never envisioned what I was doing as part of a career.

Get good live and get a following because that's what people notice.

Aerosmith is such a powerful band; I mean, it's like a steam locomotive.

I think that... the age of just slapping songs into movies, that's done.

A lot of people don't listen to the albums. They just listen to the singles.

I have seen more bad songs make it because of MTV than good ones that haven't.

Describing certain sounds, there's a common language that guitar players have.

Take life on life's terms - one day at a time. And have fun while you're doing it.

You don't throw clothes away, because you know it's going to come back in fashion!

There was a time I thought I couldn't enjoy rock 'n' roll unless I had heroin in me

I think people have to be more aware of what the repercussions are of their actions.

I love to listen to the music that first inspired me - I get that fresh feeling back.

Y'know, I don't like jazz much. I'll put it on once in a while and listen, and I'll appreciate it.

I don't think there's anything anybody's doing that the Beatles didn't at least try at some point.

It's probably listening to country music that got me to start playing a lot cleaner, not as distorted.

You think it's all written, but it's not. There's always another way to twist those three chords around.

I'm glad that I never ended up killing myself, though I came close more times than I would like to admit.

I think one of the most valuable things Aerosmith has is the energy we produce when we all play together.

I don't want fans to think we're clean, upstanding American boys, but we are Americans, and we do stand up.

I think we're just a garage band that got lucky. It's the enthusiasm from the audience that keeps it going.

The really pop country stuff can sound a little bland because they put in strings and horns and all of that.

I'm turned off by the groupie thing. I'm a romantic; I like finding the right woman, and if it works, it works.

If you get satisfaction out of playing music and entertaining people and it makes you feel right, then go for it.

The kids get a vote. That's very important when it comes to raising kids. And always keep the bigger picture in mind.

I've come to realize that you live on through recordings; they're like a musical diary, a window into somebody's soul.

I've seen bands split up for five years and do nothing. That sounds great to me, but it just hasn't worked out that way.

Hopefully I'm bringing to rock n' roll the kind of spontaneity that I love, and always believed rock and roll stands for.

A band isn't a band unless they're playing together. Otherwise it's just five guys that are living off their royalty checks.

When Tom Morello picks up the guitar, I'm sure what he sees is totally different from what I do, but I love the way he plays.

A band isn't a band unless they're playing together. Otherwise, it's just five guys that are living off their royalty checks.

There are definitely things about 'Legendary Child' that echo the music we did earlier in our career. It's got the right stuff.

Over the years, when you're in a band with a catalog like Aerosmith's, you accumulate a lot of instruments to duplicate those songs.

I was very fascinated by the time when firearms went from being fire sticks to being something people could use to hunt and to survive.

I don't see anyone avoiding the Stones because DJs make jokes about them being a part of the Geritol set. All it does is make the DJs look stupid.

There are guys in country music who are wizards on the guitar. If you're a country fan, you're used to it. But as a rock guitar player, you listen.

I love Indian food - it's my favourite cuisine. I love the mixture of spices and the subtle flavours. It's really erotic; the spices are so sensuous.

For years I've wanted to find some guys that I could work with, because I realized a long time ago that I can do a lot of things other than Aerosmith.

You can always pound out demos and send them to record companies, but most of the successful bands I've seen are the ones that can sustain themselves.

I've been fascinated with all kinds of weapons my whole life, and as I have been able to afford to acquire pieces, here and there I started to collect.

There's no doubt arena shows are exciting, but you don't get that up close and personal kind of vibe, and that's what rock n' roll is all about for me.

My chosen instrument is guitar and, fortunately, I'm able to muddle through that. I can play guitar to the point where I can express myself artistically.

I've been into guns ever since I was a little kid, and the ones that fascinate me most are the black powder guns that people used back in the 17 and 1800s.

I didn't think I could go onstage and play unless I had a beer to loosen up. Well, if it was only one beer to loosen up, I'd probably still be drinking today.

I have always been fascinated with guns. I grew up in America so granted, it is part of our heritage and it is written into the laws of how this country is run.

The media plays up celebrity a lot, but it doesn't hold a candle to being a scientist. There's a lot to be said for what they all do, and are trying to accomplish.

I have always been fascinated with guns. I grew up in America, so, granted, it is part of our heritage, and it is written into the laws of how this country is run.

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