I don't tend to stand still for very long.

If I could sing, I wouldnt be a guitarist.

If I could sing, I wouldn't be a guitarist.

Radio is commercial, isn't it. Its a business.

A certain death of an artist is overconfidence.

The States still has the best audiences by far.

It's great to have something you can be proud of.

There's more power in the simpler things, I think.

My songs are more arrangements than they are songs.

Music has nothing to do with your technical ability.

I use a combination of all my influences on my albums.

I've got very strong hands from playing for many years.

I can't say I feel influenced by today's guitar players.

When I was a little kid, I was very impressed with Elvis.

I think the fundamental part of my technique is my vibrato.

I can't imagine ever going back to working with somebody else.

I will obviously take on board everything from my past, I always do.

It gives me a good feeling to know that people out there really care.

A wah-wah is important as well. I love it; it makes the guitar scream.

I feel that my playing on the first album was probably some of my best.

My energy flagged because of heavy cold but the guys took up the slack.

It all comes down to the density of the wood. Every guitar's different.

If you want to do rock and roll, forget about those who've come after '65.

If you feel people getting on about what you are doing, it gives you a lift.

I got a guitar when I was about 14, for a Christmas present, and went from there.

I didn't sit down and work out other people's material; I've never believed in that.

Once I've settled on something I'll stay with that at least throughout the whole tour.

I was very keen on people like Elvis, Carl Perkins, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Gene Vincent.

I think it's a sensible thing not to read your fan mail - not to take it too seriously.

I've always been the first to admit that Jimi was a very big influence on my early stuff.

I have short hands. That's why I have to bend up to notes; I can't always reach the frets.

I wouldn't count myself as being a true blues guitarist because I feel you have to live it.

The ability to make music is a gift that you're born with; it's not something you can learn.

The BBC, during its 24 hours on the air, plays a very wide range of stuff. And it's not commercial.

The first real thing I heard was Three O'Clock Blues by B.B. King. That's where it all began for me.

I have done some things that I'm very proud of. I don't think you can say any more than that, really.

There are no plans to do any more live stuff. I really feel like there's enough live shows out there.

I didn't want to get attached to one guitar; I didn't want to have an instrument that was irreplaceable.

When you start believing you're something special, then you're not going to be striving to move forward.

I feel I've been blessed with a gift of creativity and composition. That's why I've been able to keep going.

Oddly enough, Hendrix is not my favorite guitar player. There are very few guitar players I get feeling from.

During my early period I had custom-made overdrive stuff because I didn't like what they were making at the time.

While I was with Procol Harum, the only time I'd see my guitar was either when I walked onstage or in the studio.

Once you start copying other people's licks, you begin thinking they're yours. Doing that's just an easy way out.

The guitar part is the pivot of everything we do, so if you change the guitar part you no longer have what it is.

If all you've got is somebody else's stuff that you've lifted, nothing really deep, then it is going to thin out.

I remember the snow in Canada and the lovely weather in New Zealand. And I slightly remember going to school there.

People often say very, very nice, complimentary things. But I think it's better if you don't take that too much to heart.

To me there's a definite way of doing a song. If I didn't think that, I wouldn't have done it that way in the first place.

I don't tend to have a favorite album; I tend to have favorite tracks. There are flaws in every album that spoil it for me.

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