We don't care what that bug-eyed fat walrus has to say.

Canadian hockey players always find a way to get along.

If I knew the secret to consistency, I'd be consistent.

I want to get better and make it last as long as I can.

I've been real fortunate to be on a lot of great teams.

Right now I'm happy to be on the ice anywhere, anytime.

You can always get someone to do your thinking for you.

When trouble comes, it's your family that supports you.

If you give 99 percent, you will make my job very easy.

Every time I see you naked, I feel sorry for your wife.

I'm not 21 and trying to prove something with my words.

I'm trying not to be a kid all the time, but it's hard.

I was young and stupid then. Now I'm not young anymore.

My dad took a lot of pride in what he did for a living.

People might not view me as competitive as I really am.

I don't eat fast food any more, not since I got cancer.

And for the team, I always tried to do the right thing.

At 39, I was back in a Red Wings uniform and loving it.

It must be the body. It's chiseled out of marshmallows.

It is good when you score lots of goals, but it is hard.

We only have one person to blame, and that's each other.

If I had to go to war again, I'd bring lacrosse players.

I don't get upset with anyone after being hit in a game.

Everybody whose anybody in hockey has played in Hershey.

Only a goalie can appreciate what a goalie goes through.

I don't try to be anything. I just want to play my game.

Don't ever let your memories be bigger than your dreams.

You don't hide the things that you love and who you are.

They left us together for a reason. Let's show them why.

Not doing it is certainly the best way to not getting it

Sometimes I can be misunderstood. I'm really competitive.

I look forward to proving something to myself and others.

There's probably a lot of people wondering if I can play.

The Montreal Canadiens have been a big part of my family.

The most important record is the wins record that I have.

I think you're a little more fragile when you're younger.

I put a lot of pressure on myself, more than anyone else.

A lot of times, I can turn and pass without even looking.

I haven't played a single game all year. This is bullshit!

If I've got to use my head, I might as well wear the mask.

I was a better hockey player than I was a baseball player.

Talent is a gift, but you can only succeed with hard work.

Hockey is a tough, physical game, and it always should be.

I had never won anything until I won my first Stanley Cup.

Why would I want four or five more inches? I use my speed.

I love to score goals, and I love to plan my celebrations.

Create content that satisfies your uber goals and desires.

The New Year is probably the biggest celebration in Russia.

A lot of guys around the league might say I need a dentist.

The lack of sweat to get a win is probably a record for me.

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