After 13 years, I couldn't accept to be number two.

My first idol was a Swedish goalie, Peter Lindmark.

You could tell that America was gearing up for war.

My goal is to be at the top of my game every night.

That hockey game will haunt me until the day I die.

Yes, and I also like jumping out of tall buildings.

I'm just a hockey player. I want to play every day.

Pride is about the ugliest trait somebody can have.

Growing up in Canada, I didn't watch football much.

I don't have one favourite band. I like everything.

No. The real heroes wear camo. I'm not one of them.

One hundred percent of shots not taken don't go in.

I'm happy, but there is always room for improvement.

I'm an old-school guy. I don't try to be too flashy.

Win, lose, or tie, you're gonna play like champions!

You don't have enough talent to win on talent alone.

The greatest flight I've ever flown was coming home.

When someone screams at me to hurry up, I slow down.

I haven't celebrated coming in No. 2 too many times.

I always thought Ray Bourque was a great competitor.

Games in hand are a good thing only if you win them.

I don't think you're human if you don't get nervous.

The American heroes are wearing camo. That's not me.

I still have things to learn, especially on defense.

Most people marry their mother. I married my father.

I don't live in the fast lane I live on the off ramp.

People judge you by the way you play in the playoffs.

I'd rather have a 16, as in Stanley Cup playoff wins.

The only thing is we didn't have the supporting cast.

But I just think as a captain, everybody's different.

For every whack I've given, I've gotten four or five.

I hope people like me and appreciate me the way I am.

Winning is always fun, but the car is more important.

The only shot I ALWAYS miss, is the one I don't take!

Even the superstars need to be coached once in awhile.

When your dream comes true you have to have great fun.

I think the biggest thing in my game is my confidence.

Winning the Cup at a young age is a whole other level.

I was lucky enough to have a hockey career in the NHL.

My grandfather was a big sports fan and so was my mom.

You can't give up in any game, even if you are losing.

If he had another hair on his back, he'd be up a tree.

I've always played hockey to win, not to get shutouts.

I went on and was still able to play some good hockey.

There's stars, superstars, and then there's Bobby Orr.

I need to work on defensive play and being consistent.

It's kind of good to get that evil monkey off my back!

You keep shooting. You hope it goes in, and you smile.

There is no position in sport as noble as goaltending.

I wouldn't urinate in his ear if his brain was on fire!

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