A great idea solves multiple problems at the same time.

As a creator, I always want to betray fans expectations.

In 'Fable III' we have taken away the experience system.

Well, I'm always a bit harsh about the things I'm doing.

Creating a really believable world is just insanely hard

As a creator, I always want to betray fans' expectations.

Games are starting to creep into every aspect of our day.

Japanese people have a funny habit of abbreviating names.

Communism is what happens when atheism meets bureaucracy.

I think interactive television is doomed. It's a dead end.

God will not speak to me and tell me to mow my lawn today.

Entertainment, in the end, is a food industry for feeling.

I'm a game designer, so I care about the whole experience.

There's definitely space for uniqueness in a home console.

To be connected to the real world is healthy and important.

I'll always love the time I spent making 'Black and White.'

I always try to create new experiences that are fun to play.

Providing new means of entertainment is the important thing.

As long as I'm alive, you'll never see the last of Lightning!

You don't have to please everyone-you have to please the user.

To me the arcade experience is the ultimate gaming experience.

Every now and then if you try, you can discover something new.

On vacation, I totally unplug. I don't bring a laptop with me.

The focus of 'Flower' is emotion and to make you feel peaceful.

You know, Kinect... I'll be honest with you. It was a disaster.

Game music has a purpose and it does incorporate sound effects.

I have no interest in guys who wear armor and swing big swords.

I think there's always room for more innovation and new things.

I think free-to-play is both exciting and also really dangerous.

If our games can help people, that's the best reward we can get.

One of my first dreams when I was a child was becoming a painter.

People don't just stop playing Facebook games. They divorce them.

I play role-playing games, and I love the concept of leveling up.

Players are artists who create their own reality within the game.

As long as I can enjoy something, other people can enjoy it, too.

I wanted to make something very unique, something very different.

Before I got into electronic games, I was making table-top games.

I have always had a fascination about what's inside a human being.

As the story unfolded, the cast of characters changed to match it.

If you have zero access to the Internet, that is an offline device.

The problem with fun is we really don't know what fun means at all.

My lawnmower can't change in the way that my son can or that I can.

I still have nightmares about holding German sausages over my head.

I've got to the stage in life where all my friends are rich or dead

As a kid, I was a big comic fan and I liked foreign comics as well.

Looking back, I am thankful that I didn't go into the film industry.

A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.

I would say 'Flower' had a story. It is told through the environment.

You don't do hero films about old men. They smell of wee, don't they?

What comes next? Super Mario 128? Actually, that's what I want to do.

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