War is an abstraction.

Pure drawing is an abstraction.

For me, music is pure abstraction.

Poetry is an abstraction bloodied.

Abstraction is the enemy of meaning.

Art, indeed, began with abstraction.

Light is snow sifted / To an abstraction.

Abstraction and realism work best together.

Even an abstract form has to have a likeness.

Washington isn't a city, it's an abstraction.

A study, by its very nature, is an abstraction.

Abstraction is real, probably more real than nature.

Abstraction is everybody's zero but nobody's nought.

Nobody is driven by abstractions like 'seeking truth.

The state, the state apparatus, is not an abstraction.

All non-trivial abstractions, to some degree, are leaky.

To make abstractions hold in reality is to destroy reality.

Even at its most perceptive, sociology deals in abstractions.

A lot of my work is about text taken to the point of abstraction.

Abstraction is the way to the heart - it is not the heart itself.

I have a hard time with abstractions. I always go to the personal.

When novels deal in abstractions, they generally go off the rails.

I'm really interested in the nondefinitive element of abstraction.

Oh abstractions are just abstract until they have an ache in them.

Two elements are needed to form a truth - a fact and an abstraction.

Philosophy does not exist. It is nothing but an hypostatized abstraction.

I expect of abstraction as much as what imagery does for me... to carry meaning.

If I choose abstraction over reality, it is because I consider it the lesser chaos.

Quality is a direct experience independent of and prior to intellectual abstractions.

Our lives don't make sense in abstraction, only when compared with the lives of others.

Enjoying art is a personal matter. It's made up by contemplation, silence, abstraction.

The only and one way to say what abstract art or art-as-art is, is to say what it is not.

Mankind? That is an abstraction. There have always been and always will be only individuals.

Time isn't made of anything. It is an abstraction. Just a meaning that we impose upon motion.

Plane geometry is sort of the key course where you learn about proving things and abstraction.

Relationships do not happen in abstraction. They need a place; they need a centre, even a home.

Reflective abstraction, however, is based not on individual actions but on coordinated actions.

When I started the band, the name 'Silver Jews' had no literal meaning - it was just an abstraction.

A perfume is more than an extract it is a presence in abstraction. A perfume, for me, is a mystique.

That's what it is that you rehearse - the making of music, not the playing of notes as abstractions.

Red Carpet has a nice package abstraction layer that allows us to support RPMs and DEBs transparently.

Pure drawing is an abstraction. Drawing and colour are not distinct, everything in nature is coloured.

Bjork has this kind of abstraction and formalism that you associate with art music or avant-garde music.

I felt like my parents were always involved with abstraction, and I wanted to do something very specific.

It is terrible to destroy a person's picture of himself in the interests of truth or some other abstraction.

In my experience, you either have encapsulation and abstraction or you have neither. There is no middle ground.

First you learn the value of abstraction, then you learn the cost of abstraction, then you're ready to engineer.

The only real life is the collective life of the race; individual life has no existence except as an abstraction.

Popular music was this abstraction - an abstraction that I was relating to immensely but was ultimately far away.

The job of the color photographer is to provide some level of abstraction that can take the image out of the daily.

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