A man full of hope will be full of action.

Without action, you aren't going anywhere.

Dreams have as much influences as actions.

Is a faith without action a sincere faith?

Without philosophy, action has no meaning.

Winners take the action that others won't.

I've always wanted to be an action figure.

Those that are little, little things suit.

The true method of knowledge is experiment.

Never fear your enemies, fear your actions.

Action cures fear, inaction creates terror.

Some things are better done than described.

Action and adaptability create opportunity.

Every noble activity makes room for itself.

Goodness Is oneness-love In perfect action.

Inaction may be the biggest form of action.

Embarrassment isn't a just cause of action.

When thinking won't cure fear, action will.

Action and reaction are equal and opposite.

Good laws are the offspring of bad actions.

Thought and action must never part company.

Any action is better than no action at all.

Your actions are your only true belongings.

A good action is preferable to an argument.

I've always been attracted to action stuff.

Don't let yourself be lulled into inaction.

Action is the real measure of intelligence.

He that has done nothing has known nothing.

I conceive ethics as a branch of psychology.

Sin is not just action. It's life direction.

There is only one proof of ability - action.

To be active is the primary vocation of man.

Action to me is something very fun to shoot.

Life and death do not wait for legal action.

We are men of action, lies do not become us.

A goal without an action plan is a daydream.

Talk is cheap if it doesn't motivate action.

If not you, then who? If not now, then when?

The purpose of man is in action not thought.

I love action films. It's my favorite genre.

Watch your actions, they become your habits.

Knowing is not enough! You must take action.

Letting someone down is not criminal action.

Bad thoughts quickly ripen into bad actions.

An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory.

Man sees your actions, but God your motives.

This nation asks for action, and action now.

Success action is cumulative in its results.

Your actions speak so much louder than words.

Reckless action is worse than wise restraint.

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