I love action films. It's my favorite genre.

I'm going to build a refugee home together with friends.

Germans aren't action fans. The only kind of action that really works is 'Bond.'

Action alone doesnt work in Germany - you need an emotional element to the story.

Action alone doesn't work in Germany - you need an emotional element to the story.

I hate sitting around and waiting; that's why I always have an editing suite on set.

We havent done action movies in Germany. We had some attempts in the 90s, but they failed.

We haven't done action movies in Germany. We had some attempts in the '90s, but they failed.

I don't think German films have to be heavy or intellectual the way they sometimes used to be.

I lived in L.A. for seven years, and if you're a German actor, they always throw the Nazi parts at you.

We want to build a flagship refugee home. And I'm going to establish a charity for traumatized children.

Germany is the country where action films perform the worst. It's the worst market in the world for these kind of movies.

It was a shock for me to see that there are obviously more people in Germany with fascist opinions than I thought there would be.

I don't understand why Germans are openly demonstrating against Islamization and radicalization but don't help the people who flee from such horrors.

The Russian male audience, they loved 'Knockin' on Heaven's Door,' and they like my comedies, but the Russian male audience is action, action, action.

I just fooled around in front of the camera and earned money for it. Every policeman, every soldier, every nurse - they all do more for society. I just rent my face.

A lot of directors, they don't go into the editing room during the shoot. When they come back, they've forgotten what they've shot. That's why their films come out a year after they shoot them.

There should be consequences for those who openly voice racist and fascist opinions. Our politicians should stand up way more; our justice system should stand up way more and punish these people harder than they ever did before.

I don't want to be the only one speaking up for the refugees. I get all these comments from people saying, 'Thanks so much for your courage,' and, 'You're the only one who's spoken out.' But I don't want to be the only one speaking up.

A lot of people are thanking me for standing up, but I don't want to be the only one standing up. Our political leaders are important. But I don't see anyone hunting down these guys setting refugee camps on fire or sending them to jail.

I knew some people at my school who were squatters, and my younger brother was a squatter. I knew those guys: those were the people who said the Russians were the good guys and the Americans were bad. But I was the guy who went to the disco.

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