Men must necessarily be the active agents of their own well-being and well-doing they themselves must in the very nature of things be their own best helpers.

A real active music set, based and really concentrated on what the music's all about. That's what I'm all about - singing and a really good strong music set.

Memory in youth is active and easily impressible; in old age it is comparatively callous to new impressions, but still retains vividly those of earlier years.

The developing countries must be able to take a more active part in trade negotiations, through technical assistance and support from the developed countries.

One secret of leadership is that the mind of a leader never turns off. Leaders even when they are sightseers or spectators, are active; not passive observers.

Like many women, I stay active juggling many aspects of a very full life! I'm a busy mom. I also love to travel, garden, cook and volunteer at my kids school.

I think if you just eat healthy, you're active, and you don't beat yourself up, you're setting yourself up to win rather than setting yourself up for failure.

Objectivity is the subject subjugating the object. That is how you assert yourself. You make yourself the active voice and the object is the passive no-voice.

It appears to me impossible that I should cease to exist, or that this active, restless spirit, equally alive to joy and sorrow, should be only organized dust.

I personally am very active with the women's prison association, and I designed a locket, and 100 percent of the proceeds go to the women's prison association.

A similar revolving fund could be set up for Germany, for a durable peace can rest only upon a Germany that, while militarily impotent, is industrially active.

When the facts are on your side, there is huge power in pitching with questions. Because questions are active rather than passive. They necessitate a response.

Initially, when I joined Twitter, I was active. But, later, I felt that whatever I was tweeting or saying on a social platform turned out to be a little boring.

We humans are not born alone; joining and being active in a club whose members share your passion for ideas and get your jokes is one of the great joys of life.

I've always been really active. I grew up playing sports, so I'm always shooting hoops or throwing the football with my friends. I'm super-active in that sense.

The field of quantum valence fluctuations was another older interest which became much more active during this period, partly as a consequence of my own efforts.

When I was young, I never thought I was going to be a writer! I was academically orientated and active at sports, but I didn't have one creative bone in my body.

It's important to remember that because these athletes exercise so beyond what even a normal active person would, they generally must also supplement their diet.

People often write after they finish their career, or they don't play anymore, or they are not anymore active. So I say, why do that? And let's do it differently.

Our safety and security is more important than ever, and Congress needs to take an active role in enforcing international agreements that support global security.

I work out, and I try to stay active and fit so I can enjoy certain foods that I like to eat. I try to keep everything in moderation. I used to be insane about it.

I didn't have many girlfriends in my youth. I was an active young man, jumping from one girl to the next, but never with anyone for more than three or four months.

The people and opportunities your business needs are out there, but the only way to uncover them is to take an active role in bringing your social network to life.

You've gotta take care of the body you've got. You've got to be fit. You've got to be active. You've got to be healthy. We don't need to be pictures in a magazine.

I like to be lazy. I do like to be busy and really active, but when that's done, you can be sure I will be a lazy boy. I like to take time and relax and enjoy life.

I grew up in Oakland, California, and there was a really active scene in the Bay Area. Everyone else knew it as the 'Hyphy Movement' of Mac Dre, E-40, and The Pack.

The concept of active cooperation has taken the place of opposition to the new form of government and of dreamy resignation entranced with the beauty of times past.

Freedom Summer, the massive voter education project in Mississippi, was 1964. I graduated from high school in 1965. So becoming active was almost a rite of passage.

The active part of man consists of powerful instincts, some of which are gentle and continuous; others violent and short; some baser, some nobler, and all necessary.

By maintaining an active feedback system at every stage of a startup, founders can reduce their burn rate, increase their virality coefficient, and retain key hires.

I've been extraordinarily fortunate that I've been able to go live a very active, stressful life. And I don't believe that my heart disease changed me for the worst.

In a way, I'm overly ambitious, selfish in a way. I think because I am so active, I think that's what keeps my brain going and I can bounce things off of each other.

I think I have a great deal of self-hatred, a profound feeling of fraudulence, of being detestable and evil. It's only a part of me, but it's there, and it's active.

The only way back toward a democracy and economy that work for the majority is for most of us to get politically active once again, becoming organized and mobilized.

If mountain gorillas are to survive and propagate, far more active conservation measures urgently need to be undertaken. The question remains, is it already too late?

We must look for ways to be an active force in our own lives. We must take charge of our own destinies, design a life of substance and truly begin to live our dreams.

Throughout American history many of our social gains and much of our progress toward democracy were made possible by the active intervention of the federal government.

If my kids want to have fries, you know what, I'm gonna let my kids have fries. If they are active and if they're moving, there's nothing wrong with having some fries.

It's really important to be active in your community, whatever community that is... find allies and find people who you relate to and who make you stronger as a group.

Sadly, Princess Diana and I were just about the first divorced women to come under the global press's microscope. But I have a feeling it's a full and active club now.

The liberal professions, and in a wider sense the well-to-do classes, are certainly those with the liveliest taste for knowledge and the most active intellectual life.

We're encouraged by the engagement on ClassPass and the tremendous growth we've had that shows we are fulfilling our mission of helping people live a more active life.

I'm going to stay active as long as I can politically, and with the Carter Center primarily, and if I'm able mentally and physically, will continue to be quite active.

The acceptance of 'Quantico' so far has been really great. At the moment, I'm just straddling two continents far away from each other, with very active careers in both!

I think it's better to burn out than to fade away... it's better to live out your days being very, very active - even if it destroys you - than to quietly... disappear.

And still the time, especially in the economy, is very tough, very difficult. It's necessary to be active still, to work, to fight, to make our economy more competitive.

For me, fitness is a part of my everyday life. But fitness does not mean having big muscles; it means being active, quick, and flexible. It can be defined in many terms.

There are 1600 German companies active in India, and some of them are more than 100 years old. Our companies value India as a location for manufacturing and as a market.

Get out of the house. A lot of kids play video games and aren't active, and that's one thing I like to do - keep them active and having fun, interacting with other kids.

I'm an active participation guy. No matter how much money you make, no matter how famous you are, you're not above going outside and cutting trees. I do it all the time.

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