There's a lot of racism still alive and still active.

Get informed. Get outraged. Get inspired. Get active.

I just try to keep myself positive and really active.

I like to keep active. I've got too much energy not to.

Fortunately, Iranians are politically active worldwide.

There are not many roles where women are really active.

I was really active as a kid. I was outdoors constantly.

Faith is not belief. Belief is passive. Faith is active.

I eat healthy and stay active and drink plenty of water.

I'm active on Twitter, and I love my iPad and my Kindle.

I'll be active in politics through PACs at a later date.

I wasn't an active feminist in the '60s, never have been.

As I say, I as an abstract artist was active politically.

Just in general, staying healthy and active is important.

I do have a peripatetic and active intellectual curiosity.

In a thriller, the camera's an active narrator, or can be.

If my mind and body are still active, why should I retire?

To be dull is easy, to be active requires tremendous work.

Democracy functions best when we have an active citizenry.

The loiterer often imputes delay to his more active friend.

Police brutality is definitely still very alive and active.

I'm always trying to do something active because I love it.

Books demand more. You have to be a more active participant.

The way to bring about change is to be proactive and active.

My father's side of the family was very active in education.

I've always been active: netball, hockey, rounders, athletics.

Index investing outperforms active management year after year.

I think, Larry, one of the things is I'm a very active person.

Surfing is my passion because I love being active on the water.

I've always thought of writing as sort of active communication.

My parents knew if they kept me active, I'd stay out of trouble.

Being active every day makes it easier to hear that inner voice.

At the same time, television theatre became more visibly active.

We can get airplay all across the board, from CHR to Active rock.

I love going for walks and like to do fun active things outdoors.

If you are an activist, you have to stay active on a daily basis.

Nothing happens except by the permissive or active Will of Allah.

Only in being productively active can man make sense of his life.

I was a heavy kid, even though I was into sports and very active.

I'm a civic busybody and I've been blessed with an active career.

Have fun, be active. Ride a bike instead of driving, for example.

I don't know when I'm going to have time to be politically active.

Observation is a passive science, experimentation an active science.

An actor is working steady if he's active four to six months a year.

I'm lucky enough to lead a very active life, so I'm always on the go.

The way I lived my life, I truly wasn't an active resistance fighter.

The vices of idleness are only to be shaken off by active employment.

I've tried to be active in civic organizations as well as the Church.

I stay active and choose to associate myself with like-minded people.

I think it's so important to keep learning and keep your brain active.

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