I think I adapted well for MMA.

I have adapted well in Liverpool.

I've never adapted a book I didn't love.

As Buddhism moved from one culture to another, it always adapted.

We have always adapted ourselves to the songs instead of vice versa.

There is no salvation in becoming adapted to a world which is crazy.

Neymar is a phenomenon. He adapted to European football very quickly.

'The Stand' was great. Adapted by Stephen King from his massive book.

In every part of our society, rules have to be questioned and adapted.

Even I'm a bit surprised with how easily I've adapted to European football.

I would like to see 'A Confederacy of Dunces' by John Kennedy Toole adapted.

I was born a trequartista, and have adapted myself to playing in other roles.

I'm never one to care too much if my work becomes adapted; I make comic books.

Bombay feels like a second home now. I have adapted to the lifestyle of the city.

It takes all sorts of in and outdoor schooling To get adapted to my kind of fooling.

I've never actually directed anything I haven't made up. I've never adapted anything.

Hominids typically haven't so much adapted to change, as they have accommodated to it.

The more highly adapted an organism becomes, the less adaptable it is to any new change.

I was ecstatic when 'The Walking Dead' came along. Merle Dixon was so perfectly adapted for me.

Golf is a game in which one endeavors to control a ball with implements ill adapted for the purpose.

I have adapted and feel comfortable in the middle, but I am a world and European champion at right back.

Throughout its history, Islam has borrowed and adapted from other civilizations, both ancient and modern.

I adapted an O. Henry short story called 'By Courier,' which got nominated for a Best Short Subject Oscar.

Some writers get snooty about what happens when their books are adapted to film, but I don't feel that way.

It seemed that everywhere you went, people quickly adapted to the way they had to live, and called it Life.

There has been only a civil rights movement, whose tone of voice was adapted to an audience of liberal whites.

'The Buccaneers' was an Edith Wharton novel, and she never finished it, and a screenwriter adapted it for television.

Early in my career, my 3-, 5- and 9-irons performed differently than my other irons. But I adapted and made them work.

I have never known a novel that was good enough to be good in spite of its being adapted to the author's political views.

All you can hope for when you get a book adapted for TV is that you get a good actor and not some muppet off 'EastEnders.'

A lot of great fighters were amateur wrestlers first and you can study them on film to see how they adapted the techniques.

I think it's counterproductive for actors to come to the set with well-thumbed copies of the book their film is adapted from.

Is an audience open to seeing a film that isn't what they expect when they see a film that's been adapted from a children's book?

I was adapted to European football after playing in Germany for three years, but English football is very different to the Bundesliga.

The extraordinary thing about new words is that probably only about one per cent of them are new. Most are old words revived and adapted.

We have such rigid rules, sometimes, that they don't have to be rules. They can be policies and procedures that can be adapted for the moment.

Whatever role was offered to me, I adapted well and did it with elan. A vamp's role is challenging, but a mother's role is comparatively easy.

But that methodology where players are pitted against other unfamiliar players has been so widely adapted now that anybody plays with everybody.

In Naples, I was very lucky to find my players adapted to my way of football. They were strong as players and strong from a human point of view.

In fact, words are well adapted for description and the arousing of emotion, but for many kinds of precise thought other symbols are much better.

I don't understand it when people get cross about how one of their works was adapted and say, 'Oh, they ruined it!' Well, the book is still there.

Liverpool are known for this 'rock and roll' football. I think I've adapted well to this even if, as a player, I like to hold onto the ball longer.

Priests are not men of the world; it is not intended that they should be; and a University training is the one best adapted to prevent their becoming so.

I also feel I adapted. I was willing to try to fit into any role. The way I figured, it was always up to me to prove my worth, that I deserved to be here.

Sometimes I get to see a movie that's adapted from a book that I haven't heard about or that I love the movie so much that I will, of course, read the book.

It's a scary, exhilarating thing to have your work adapted by someone else. There are so many ways it can go wrong or be a poor example of the underlying story.

I observed how a man does action sequences and then adapted it for myself. As a woman, the way I perform the stunts will be different from the way a man does it.

Overtime, hatchery fish tend to show signs of domestication and these traits adapted to the hatchery environment can make it more difficult to survive in the wild.

The first play I wrote was called 'Twenty-five.' It was played by our company in Dublin and London, and was adapted and translated into Irish and played in America.

We ought to esteem it of the greatest importance that the fictions which children first hear should be adapted in the most perfect manner to the promotion of virtue.

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