I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails ...

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.

When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the ...

When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.

I can adjust to any situation.

Test fast, fail fast, adjust fast.

You don't adjust. You just dominate.

I will never adjust or accept losing.

You got to adjust to how your life is.

I always try to adjust to the situation.

Over my career, I've had to adjust my game.

I couldn't adjust to the racism in Florida.

Beveren helped me a lot to adjust to Europe.

We must all learn to adjust with our surroundings.

I adapt and I adjust to whatever environment I'm in.

You have to know your crowd. And adjust accordingly.

I have to do a better job of learning how to adjust.

Adjust your makeup to the light in which your wear it.

I'm pretty adaptable and can adjust to any environment.

We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.

I was desperately unhappy trying to adjust to the world.

We travel so much, I never adjust to time zones any more.

Moral codes adjust themselves to environmental conditions.

I've learned pretty quickly you better be able to adjust daily.

I adjust to who is with me, who I'm playing, the new guys we add.

I have self-actualized. Pardon me whilst I adjust my glowing halo.

Adjust to your surroundings, because the world don't wait for you.

We must constantly learn, adjust, improve, and strive to be better.

The NBA changes on you. You've just got to always be able to adjust.

You have to adjust to what your team needs and what you're able to do.

It's impossible not to constantly adjust the way you look at yourself.

Societies are being interconnected and we have to adjust to that fact.

You know, like I said, I'm not going to adjust my Senior Tour schedule.

We must adjust to changing times and still hold to unchanging principles.

If you are just constantly doing the same thing, good batters can adjust.

That's one of my strengths, that I can adjust, and I can play with anyone.

We had to adjust and threw a few more rise balls and curves but it worked.

Test cricket is a different format, you have to adjust to five-day cricket.

The world is changing. I'm trying to adjust to it, just like everyone else.

I'm not fussy at all; I've been raised to adjust myself in any circumstance.

You have to be able to adjust on the fly, and that is what the great ones do.

For me, the biggest thing is to adjust from college to a professional setting.

When I came to America, I had some surprises at first, but I could soon adjust.

You have to be able to adjust with the moment, whether it's an injury, a result.

Young players will suffer at times and have days when they can't cope or adjust.

Most of the time, it's easy for us basketball players to adjust to our situation.

You can only adjust to so much history in your life. I still have trouble texting.

Anybody can be fit. But you have to be patient. Give your body some time to adjust.

I don't adjust my training for any of my opponents. I don't watch films on my opponents.

That's a sign of a good football team, where we can adjust and adapt to our surroundings.

I always had to be there for my family. I think that helped me a lot to adjust to the NBA.

I adjust my priorities according to the most important project I'm involved in at the time.

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