Morality is simply the attitude we adopt towards people whom we ...

Morality is simply the attitude we adopt towards people whom we personally dislike.

If I have kids, I'll adopt.

I've always wanted to adopt.

I always knew I would adopt. Always.

I'd adopt an older child, not a baby.

Gay individuals should be able to adopt.

Science commits suicide when it adopts a creed.

Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.

I kind of adopt family friends and take people in.

I'd like to adopt an older child, maybe 5 years old.

I would love to get married, have a baby and adopt one.

The public doesn't adopt radical concepts very quickly.

I get letters from little girls begging me to adopt them.

I want to get married again and have kids and even adopt.

I most definitely want kids, but I'll probably adopt kids.

I always thought I'd adopt - I have a dog but no children.

Fashion is what you adopt when you don't know who you are.

When I'm ready, I plan to adopt. I still believe in family.

Immigrants have to adopt our values, not the other way around.

I don't think I'll do foster care or adopt, to be quite honest.

Please be nice, be kind to stray animals, dogs, and adopt them.

School districts in the US don't adopt technology very quickly.

When you adopt an animal at a shelter you are saving two lives.

I absolutely want to have children, whether I have my own or adopt.

Writers often feel obliged to adopt some sort of public appearance.

Civilized countries generally adopt gold or silver or both as money.

If I did have the impulse to be a parent, I would adopt - or foster.

Creative people are notoriously the slowest to adopt new technology.

I'd like another child, and maybe if it doesn't work out, I'll adopt.

The laws that we adopt embody the values and mores of our constituents.

Silence is the safest course for any man to adopt who distrust himself.

Angelina has a rule that she adopts children only when they are orphans.

I've urged employers to address ergonomics and adopt ergonomics measures.

I can't wait to have kids. I want so many. I want to adopt and have my own.

There are techniques of Buddhism, such as meditation, that anyone can adopt.

When you adopt a dog, you have a lot of very good days and one very bad day.

We expect to adopt tax incentives for businesses that invest in the country.

I'd like to see David Letterman adopt the inclusion rider on his Netflix show.

I think any celebrity that adopts a child from a third world country is a fool.

I'll start with one healthy kid, but I'd like to have a few naturally and adopt.

I've wanted to adopt since I was eight, nine years old. I really do think I will.

If you guys are interested in getting any kind of animal, definitely go and adopt.

You don't have to believe anything, adopt a dogma in order to learn how to meditate.

If Flavor Flav was any smaller and darker, Brad and Angelina would try to adopt him.

Jews are the intensive form of any nationality whose language and customs they adopt.

I always thought I would adopt. Even when I was young, I used to look up how to adopt.

No couples in Virginia can adopt other than a married couple - that's the right policy.

A majority of senators should be able to adopt rules at the beginning of each Congress.

If it was possible for me to adopt, I probably would, but no one's going to let me adopt.

I wouldn't adopt, but what I will do is give my time and go and try to be there for people.

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