Photographer's advice: Stand in the right place.

Never find your delight in another's misfortune.

It is easy to give advice from a port of safety.

Never buy a saddle until you have met the horse.

Generosity gives assistance, rather than advice.

Ill customs and bad advice are seldom forgotten.

We may give advice, but not the sense to use it.

No one can give you better advice than yourself.

Advice is such a tricky thing when you're young.

Don't compromise your heart for something crass.

Wise men don't need advice. Fools won't take it.

Think twice before you speak to a friend in need

Always take an extra quarter to the laundry room.

Treat your friend as if he might become an enemy.

Don't let where you are be an excuse not to grow.

Getting lost in her loving is your first mistake.

Don't take anyone's writing advice too seriously.

O seeker! Rely on nothing until you want nothing.

Have you something to do to-morrow; do it to-day.

Professionals give advice; pilgrims share wisdom.

If you aren't rich you should always look useful.

One can give advice comfortably from a safe port.

Take my advice. Stay away from all broken people.

A good example has twice the value of good advice

Don't just write a to-do list write a to-be list.

The best advice I got from my dad? Wear a condom.

Giving advice was a lot harder than following it.

Your worst mistakes is actually your best advice.

Advice to Persons About to Write History - Don't.

Always go to the bathroom when you have a chance.

Advice to intellectuals: let no-one represent you.

My Advice is: You always have to keep persevering.

I could never give relationship advice to anybody!

Don't give your advice before you are called upon.

Don't bite the hand that has your allowance in it.

No man is so poor as to have nothing worth giving.

Many receive advice, only the wise profit from it.

Advice maybe wrong, but examples prove themselves.

I make more money selling advice than following it

Buy land. They ain't making any more of the stuff.

If we followed our own advice, we'd be successful.

There is nothing men are so generous of as advice.

When I had all the answers, the questions changed.

Write more. That's the advice I would give myself.

In action be primitive; in foresight, a strategist.

I hate giving advice, because people won't take it.

What advice do I tell my grandson? I listen to him.

It's so much easier to give advice than to take it.

The worst advice in golf is, 'Keep your head down.'

Even the elders can give a number of helpful hints.

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