To ask advice is in nine cases out of ten to tout for flattery.

My advice is to go for the messes - that's where the action is.

The one thing people are the most liberal with, is their advice.

He who would be serene and pure needs but one thing, detachment.

Fools need advice most, but wise men only are the better for it.

Marriage is too interesting an experiment to be tried only once.

I'm always giving out advice. People always come to me for that.

Counsel in trouble gives small comfort when help is past remedy.

I'm certainly the last person to give advice on, well, anything.

When we are well, we all have good advice for those who are ill.

Cultivate only the habits that you are willing should master you

Study the world's skin before you set out to look for its heart.

If you have to be in a soap opera try not to get the worst role.

Never take advice from anyone with no investment in the outcome.

Whenever a man seeks your advice he generally seeks your praise.

My investment advice is rooted in my understanding of economics.

Don't accept that others know you better than you know yourself.

To profit from good advice requires more wisdom than to give it.

I don't think a reporter should give advice or make predictions.

We are usually undone by our lack of understanding of ourselves.

Advice is seldom welcome. Those who need it most, like it least.

Listening to advice often accomplishes far more than heeding it.

The average call me obsessed, the successful call me for advice.

Never face facts; if you do, you'll never get up in the morning.

People make suggestions on what to say all the time... Trust me.

To be human : to strive in the face of the certainty of failure.

Downright admonition, as a rule, is too blunt for the recipient.

You need not hang up the ivy branch over the wine that will sell.

Look deep inside the eyes of a woman, see the man you want to be.

My other advice is to start writing songs and singing right away.

The price of telling your troubles is having to listen to advice.

If one takes care of the means, the end will take care of itself.

There is only one rule for being a good talker - learn to listen.

The world's most funniest and easiest thing is to give an advice.

Blogging is a great way to provide tips and advice to each other.

As far as advice to potential teenage idols, there is no formula.

When we ask for advice, we are usually looking for an accomplice.

A final word of advice: don't gloat about how well you have done.

Always act in such a way as to secure the love of your neighbour.

Don't wait for answers, just take your chances. Don't ask me why.

A wise man will live as much within his wit as within his income.

I knew I shouldn't have given @50cent pitching advice...sorry man

My advice is that you should use your brains more and train less.

When I first got an agent, they gave me some advice--lose weight.

A word of advice, don't point your #$%^&^& finger at crazy people

Beware the advice of successful people; they do not seek company.

Best advice: 'Just be yourself.' Worst advice: 'Just be yourself.'

My number one piece of advice is: you should learn how to program.

A person that does not value your time will not value your advice.

Be careful about the advice you give, especially to your children.

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