The Almighty is the judge.

The sun - my almighty physician.

Shadows cannot harm the almighty!

One Almighty is more than all mighties

Nature, the vicar of the Almighty Lord.

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty !

All my blessings are thanks to the Almighty.

I believe in God, Almighty. I'm a Christian.

They think they have God Almighty by the toe.

The Almighty proves his existence by creating.

Cecil B. DeMille worshipped the almighty buck.

I am not scared of anyone except the Almighty.

Almighty God sends no trial without consolation.

We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty.

The sacred title of 'father' is shared with the Almighty.

We cannot be unclean and expect the help of the Almighty.

I have faith in the Almighty and believe in his kindness.

I deny the very existence of that Almighty Supreme Being.

I'd rather go down with an almighty bang than play it safe.

I tell you that the curse of God Almighty is on the saloon.

I would as soon leave my son a curse as the almighty dollar.

May the shadow of the Almighty ever rest on all those you love.

Also, many consumers consider a critic to be like God Almighty.

I have been chosen by God Almighty to be one of his messengers.

Help thyself, then thou wilt also have the help of the Almighty.

I find that the more I do the more ability the Almighty gives me.

I'm relyin' on Almighty God, Allah, and whatever happens happens.

Our Constitution represents the work of the finger of Almighty God.

I would fight God Almighty Himself if He didn't play square with me.

It's the Power of the Almighty, the Splendor of Nature, and then you.

Cobb is a prick. But he sure can hit. God Almighty, that man can hit.

When it is a question of God's almighty Spirit, never say, 'I can't.'

Grant us peace, Almighty Father, so to pray as to deserve to be heard.

Peace is the deepest thing a human personality can know; it is almighty

Though we are not Almighty God Himself, nevertheless, we are now divine.

I was paid $8 or $9 million for 'Evan Almighty.' I didn't want that money.

(Ty) Cobb is a prick. But he sure can hit. God Almighty, that man can hit.

A vast space naturally raises in my thoughts the idea of an Almighty Being.

God almighty made women and the Rockefeller gang of thieves made the ladies.

God almighty made women and the Rockefeller gang of thieves made the ladies.

I always have dashi in my refrigerator—it's the almighty Japanese ingredient.

I'm not denyin' the women are foolish. God Almighty made 'em to match the men.

It is God who creates, effects, and preserves all things through his almighty.

I always have dashi in my refrigerator - it's the almighty Japanese ingredient.

Through the grace of the Almighty Power, it is sure to manifest itself in time.

I thank the Almighty for the most wonderful 18 years. Far, far, too short a time.

Our war cries opened the deaf ears of the almighty government and its accomplices.

Emotionally, I depend only on myself. My strong belief in the Almighty carries me.

Constant remembrance of the Almighty will bring you everlasting happiness and peace

I believe firmly that it was the Almighty's goodness, to check my consummate vanity.

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