Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, ...

Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the highroad to pride, self-esteem, and personal satisfaction.

There is happiness in duty, although it may not seem so.

There is happiness in duty, although it may not seem so.

You can't always win - although we always try!

I am never angry, although sometimes distressed.

Although I may not be sweet, I am full of passion.

I never saw the play, although I heard it was good.

I work with nature, although in completely new terms.

Although I am a Christian, I am not even close to perfect.

Sometimes change is good. Although I didn't want to leave.

It never got ugly, although it got a bit strange at times.

Although homosexuality has been normalised, it is not normal.

I don't do comedy so much although I would like to do a comedy.

Everything starts somewhere, although many physicists disagree.

Although I know it's unfair I reveal myself one mask at a time.

I really like singing, although I'm embarrassed about doing it.

And although I like to relax and have fun, my passion is my work.

All men commend patience, although few are willing to practice it.

Although prepared for martyrdom, I preferred that it be postponed.

One tires of combat, although I can still throw a punch, you know.

Although I write screenplays, I don't think I'm a very good writer.

Although my dad Harry is the manager of West Ham, we get on very well.

I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught.

I don't know about the romantic comedy route, although never say never.

It looks like a one man show here, although there are two men involved.

Although, I think you look back and you try to learn from your mistakes.

I can become very emotional about math, although I'm not that good at it.

Now, although my life is still pleasant, the days of easy money are over.

Sadly, my German is almost non-existent, although I did a little at school.

I have no plan to retire anytime soon, although remember I am 50 years old!

And Walker was made with a Mexican crew, although it was shot in Nicaragua.

I'm not really a churchy person, although I do think Jesus was a good bloke.

You never want to be the grumpy guy, although I do have quite a grumpy face.

I'm generally happy, although my kids and wife may sometimes argue with that.

Although it wasn't that easy to do, it was wonderful working with John Wayne.

I have been typecast in my career, although the type changes with the decades.

Although many of us fear death, I think there is something illogical about it.

I'm just as sick as the others, although I prefer to do my sickness in private.

I write autobiographically, although I apply liberal amounts of poetic license.

Primarily I'm a meat man, although once in a while I toy with a few vegetables.

Life has become serious for me, although I do like to party every now and then.

I used to want to be a writer or a painter, although I couldn't paint very well.

I don't believe in the after life, although I am bringing a change of underwear.

Over every mountain there is a path, although it may not be seen from the valley.

Personally I'm always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught.

Journalists do not live by words alone, although sometimes they have to eat them.

Although it was published in 1977, "A Scanner Darkly's" mood is already postpunk.

Although I've said a million times that I'm not a horror writer, I do like horror.

Although he's regularly asked to do so, God does not take sides in American politics.

L.A. is big, although Hollywood's not as glamorous as I thought; it's kind of grungy.

I call myself a traditionalist, although I have fought against tradition all my life.

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