I've always done yoga but I never really spoke about it.

I've never had a plan, I've always done things from instinct.

I had always done theater in extracurricular ways. I'd never been a drama major.

I've always, for whatever my faults have been, felt like I've never done anything halfway.

I've always been salaried; I've never owned anything. I've done very well, lived very well.

You should always want more. If you get comfortable with what you have done, you can never go to that next level.

I've never been pressed to be friends with everyone or be popular, even in school - I've always done my own thing.

I always think about what I missed, and I think that was my driving force - never be satisfied with what I've done.

It's always been my intention to never be boxed in. I never like to do something that it feels like I've done before.

Everything I have done or attempted to do for Scotland has always been for her benefit, never my own and I defy anyone to prove otherwise.

What you've done is done. You've got a goal you never reach, and it's always farther away. It keeps you walking. I don't want to sit down.

I'd never done any Beckett before 'Krapp,' and I haven't done any of his other plays since. I've always felt that 'Krapp' is an autobiographical piece.

I played around with GarageBand before, but I'd never actually made a proper song. So it was getting into the studio with him where I made my first proper song. I've always loved creative writing, so I had done that as well.

It's interesting: I never got stressed before wrestling matches. I always felt completely confident that I had done everything I could do, all my mental preparations when I sat down and envisioned the match, so I never felt stressed.

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