Always wear a smile because you never know who is watching.

A fighter can always recover, and you never know what they're going to come back with.

Always stay in a happy medium in sport, because you never know what's around the corner.

You never know what's really happening behind closed doors. Everything isn't always what it seems.

Whoever you are, you have to be that. You know? I was always who I was. I never changed, I never switched.

I never felt I was incapable of succeeding because I felt confident I could always learn what I needed to know.

You know, you never say never because before I did 'ER,' I always said 'I'll never do a TV series,' so that's what I said.

When it comes to awards and things like that - I don't know why - I just always sit in amazement and never really expect it.

The Premier League is always like that - you never know what can happen! Even at the top of the table and bottom of the table.

I have never gone out of fashion. And do you know why? Because I never sought it. When you don't seek it, it's always with you.

I never liked Duke. I don't know why. Just never did. Guess they were always a heavy favorite and I liked to go with the underdog.

In philosophy you're never 100% sure. You're always undermining what you think you know. That's always been my philosophy and my intellectual ethos.

I always went school with a backup plan. Everything I did was a backup plan because I never was the most talented guy. I wasn't, you know, the superstar at all.

You are always hoping that movie audiences are interested in characters and interested in story values rather than just mindless special effects. But you never know.

I knew I wanted to be a performer, but I didn't know I would specifically be in film. I actually never thought I would be in film. I always envisioned being on the stage.

You know, I've always wanted to do dramas. When I moved to L.A., that was my dream, because I never really grew up watching comedies, although of course I loved 'Dumb & Dumber.'

Once you've been at the top, you're always gonna know what it's like to be at the top. If you've never been at the top, you're not worrying about what it feels like being there.

I'm a terrible packer. I don't pack lots and lots because I think I'll wear everything, I pack a lot because I never know what I'm going to need. I always go over the weight limit.

You know how you put peanut butter on a piece of bread and the bread falls - it never falls on the bread side down, it always falls peanut butter side down. That's because of gravity.

I don't have the slightest idea of how to do vocal exercises or scales or anything like that, but I did always know to breath properly from the stomach. I'm a pop singer and never really felt I needed more.

I always pull from something I know really well. Because I would never want to write about something that I hadn't experienced or that I hadn't witnessed happen to somebody else because it wouldn't be genuine.

I've always been quite conscious of it, though I don't know why. I would never overspend, and I have to know exactly what I've got so that I avoid going into overdraft. I watch my pennies, and I'm quite thrifty.

I've always been really cautious about guys who have a Winnie Cooper fantasy, and I'm so glad about that. I mean, I can count on one hand the guys I've been with. It was really challenging, but I never gave it up too soon, if you know what I mean.

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