Forever 21 is my American Dream.

The American dream is under assault.

The American dream belongs to all of us.

For many, the American Dream has become a nightmare.

Every American deserves a shot at the American dream.

I grew up with a front row seat to the American dream.

You stuff somebody into the American dream, and it becomes a prison.

France is different from the U.S.A.'s El Dorado, American Dream image.

I think the American Dream is kind of a myth, especially for millennials.

If anyone can be said to embody the American Dream, it's Kim Kardashian West.

I'm honored that so many Floridians are supporting my efforts to rekindle the American Dream.

College is part of the American dream. It shouldn't be part of a financial nightmare for families.

I don't want to get corny, but my career really has been the personification of the American dream.

If there is still an American dream, reading is one of the bootstraps by which we can all pull ourselves up.

Mitt Romney subscribes to the cynical logic that says the American dream belongs to some of us but not all of us.

I think, in a lot of ways, celebrities represent the American dream. They have financial fluidity and options at their disposal.

In Los Angeles and other cities, being around immigrants is inspiring. They are touching the American Dream and reminding you how much you take it for granted.

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