I am a temporary amusement.

Encourage innocent amusement.

We live in God's amusement park.

I do not cough for my own amusement.

Amusement to an observing mind is study.

Adultery is not a crime, it's an amusement.

I'll just take amusement at being a paradox.

I'm a girl that loves to go to amusement park.

Life would be tolerable but for its amusements.

Reading was the only amusement I allowed myself

If I were invisible I'd go to the amusement park~

To find recreation in amusement is not happiness.

Gardening is certainly the next amusement to reading.

Amusement is the happiness of those who cannot think.

Men must read for amusement as well as for knowledge.

I'm not here for your amusement. You're here for mine.

Behind every great amusement park is a great fan site.

I didn't have a Barbie doll, so I played with eternity.

Like the bee, we should make our industry our amusement.

All the great amusements are dangerous for the Christian life.

I get no amusement having people eyeball me because of my size.

Fortunately, I am accustomed to creating amusement inadvertently.

your body is not a temple, it's an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.

The way I see it, love is an amusement park, and food its souvenir.

A contra dance is like an amusement park ride we make for ourselves.

A marriage is no amusement but a solemn act, and generally a sad one.

Art is not a pleasure, a solace, or an amusement; art is great matter.

Television is not the truth. Television is a goddamned amusement park.

I am a great friend to public amusements; for they keep people from vice.

A nation that has nothing but its amusements will not be amused for long.

Retirement without literary amusements is death itself, and a living tomb.

One cannot have too large a party. A large party secures its own amusement.

Five days a week my body is a temple; the other two, it's an amusement park.

We cry for mercy to the next amusement, The next amusement mortgages our fields

Senators are a never-ending source of amusement, amazement, and discouragement.

If you allowed yourself to hear or feel amusement, you would hear and feel pain.

My bag is acting or getting into an amusing situation and then sharing my amusement.

If it [dabbling in art] didn't amuse me, I beg you to believe that I wouldn't do it.

I love going to the movie theatre, seeing live comedy, and going to amusement parks.

Hope is an amusement rather than a good, and adapted to none but very tranquil minds.

I think hiccup cures were really invented for the amusement of the patient's friends.

You can't live on amusement. It is the froth on water - an inch deep and then the mud.

Well, one must be serious about something, if one wants to have any amusement in life.

I call myself the Amusement Park. That's because I'm funny and scary at the same time.

The history of science is a record of the transformations of contempts amd amusements.

ENTERTAINMENT, n. Any kind of amusement whose inroads stop short of death by injection.

Amusement that is excessive and followed only for its own sake, allures and deceives us.

Every producer in Hollywood had set me down as a type. I was both amused and disappointed.

I've included these little jokes and mysteries in my writing for the amusement of readers.

I look just like the girls next door... if you happen to live next door to an amusement park.

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