When I'm anchoring, I miss chasing stories in the field.

I do anchoring, but acting and dance is my first preference.

Reality shows make you more bold and you learn new skills like dancing, anchoring.

Honestly, anchoring the news on a nightly basis is the hardest job I've ever taken on.

While anchoring at Boston's WCVB-TV, I reported on Mitt Romney's run for Massachusetts governor.

I started my career with 'Teen Diva,' and that helped me learn anchoring. Fortunately, I got work after the show ended.

I'm the only actor who has done everything, right from anchoring shows to composing and singing songs to theatre to movies.

I was the first to win a major with a belly putter, and I've spent hours practicing that way, so I hope they don't ban anchoring.

When I started at NBC, I'm quite sure there wasn't a plan or initiative that we need to make sure the girls are anchoring the shows.

I love acting. Anchoring and dancing have come to me because of acting. I came here to be an actor. All others are just an extension of it.

In Los Angeles, I had the good fortune of anchoring the news right before Johnny Carson came on, so to see him, the Hollywood stars watched me first.

Anchoring is a different medium. I wanted to try it and not stop working, I didn't want to sit at home and say, 'Will do that one show when it comes along.'

I have hosted many shows in the past. Anchoring is something I really enjoy; hence, when I was offered to host the show 'Super Dancer,' I was excited to take it up.

I think I'd like to stay anchoring because, number one, I'm learning a lot, and I love it when I'm learning. And number two, I also have the luxury of a stable life.

So this anchoring in some way, in some important way in the past without repeating the past, but on the basis of the past building something new: that is what is important.

I can say that even in the midst of my most cynical comic stripping: Opus shone through with a bit of heart, anchoring the ugly proceedings with a comforting pull of emotion.

At 25, I found myself anchoring coverage of President Clinton's impeachment trial from Capitol Hill for WTVH-TV in my hometown of Syracuse, New York. I then covered Hillary Clinton's first Senate run.

No matter what the relationship is, if it's a healthy relationship, there is a swing back and forth to anchoring each other, grounding each other and to helping each other process the difficult times.

On screen I am the same as I am in real life. I have done almost everything, be it acting, dancing or anchoring. I am a good combination - I can talk well, have a good face and a body and can also dance.

When I was 13, I began relaxing my hair, and that meant when I turned 18 it began to crack and fall off, and when I began anchoring, I had short, stubbly pieces of hair. And trying to report in San Francisco with fog meant my hair swelled.

When I started at the Wall Street Journal after college in 1990, there were lots of smart women around me all the time. They were writing for the paper, serving as managing editor, winning Pulitzers and anchoring the weekend show I worked on. It was so inspiring to me.

Viewers don't see more of anchors because we shoot only once a week and it's aired across three months; so, you always feel that a certain person is only anchoring. I've been acting for fifteen years and hosting for seven years, but I haven't done a soap, so a lot of people tend to think I'm not acting anymore.

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