Angelic happiness is in service, from service, and according to ...

Angelic happiness is in service, from service, and according to service.

May be refined, and join the angelic train.

I just wanted to be angelic and pure and nice and kind.

Blonds look angelic, but can (oh, happy!) be fleshy as well.

Blondes are so angelic. My sister can get away with anything.

If you saw me in 'The King and I,' I had that angelic, virginal face.

The highest point of philosophy is to be both wise and simple; this is the angelic life.

To love for the sake of being loved is human, but to love for the sake of loving is angelic.

Digestion is one of the most delicately balanced of all human and perhaps angelic functions.

He looked up at me with angelic eyes. "Doing what?" "You know what. You're luring me in. You know I can't resist-

And so it is, that both the Devil and the angelic Spirit present us with objects of desire to awaken our power of choice.

After many of years of getting cast in sweet, angelic roles, I'm finally getting to play closer to my real life as a horrible person.

Angel cake is an American classic; a delicate meringue gently merged with minimal flour and zero butter, angelic because of its fluffy texture.

Christians should never fail to sense the operation of an angelic glory. It forever eclipses the world of demonic powers, as the sun does a candle's light.

Elves have this superhuman strength, yet they're so graceful. Tolkien created them to be angelic spirits, but I also saw Legolas as something out of the Seven Samurai.

Me and my friends made a group called 1400 and the number always stuck with me. I always see it everywhere I go. There's an angel behind the number, it's an angelic number.

I think for a long time it seemed like working in an art form and being a feminist meant portraying women in a perfect, angelic light. And there's nothing feminist about that.

Talent grips us. We are overtaken by the beauty of Michelangelo's sculpture, riveted by Mariah Carey's angelic voice, doubled over in laughter by the comedy of Robin Williams, and captivated by the on screen performances of Denzel Washington.

I was playing pretty boys and these angelic roles like Nicholas Nickleby and all that stuff. And I was like, 'What am I doing? This isn't who I am, as a man or an artist.' I had to overcome people's belief that I was too pretty to be a badass.

The muse is not an angelic voice that sits on your shoulder and sings sweetly. The muse is the most annoying whine. The muse isn't hard to find, just hard to like - she follows you everywhere, tapping you on the shoulder, demanding that you stop doing whatever else you might be doing and pay attention to her.

'Empire of Self' is a loving portrait of a very difficult man. Jay Parini, himself a gifted novelist, poet and biographer, has gone very deep into the 'black energy' of Gore Vidal's relentless narcissism and megalomania. Parini envisions an epic battle between Vidal's angelic and demonic sides, yet there's very little of the angel in Vidal.

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