Leaving the EU isn't the answer to Britain's problems.

The answers you get depend upon the questions you ask.

Love is the answer to a question that I have forgotten

Gentlemen, I am ready for the questions to my answers.

I'll have a different answer tomorrow that I do today.

Persistence is the answer, and a sense of humor helps.

To ask the right question is harder than to answer it.

A question is a trap and an answer is your foot in it.

The whole showmanship is NOT to answer every question.

Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.

Does God understand you? Find the answer in Bethlehem.

How do you begin? The answer is simple: you decide to.

The answer to helplessness is not so very complicated.

If you don't shut up, how can I answer your questions!

Stay true to yourself and the answer will become clear

If I don't get to go to the gym, walking is the answer.

The questions don't do the damage. Only the answers do.

What is the answer? In that case, what is the question?

Can there be enough books to answer all your questions?

Spiritual questions deserve spiritual answers from God.

Trusting God is the answer. He will never let you down.

There is only one answer to defeat and that is victory.

The answer to how to live is to stop thinking about it.

There is no right answer except to play and experiment.

The answers are always inside the problem, not outside.

Don’t answer to sick, or broke, or worn out any longer.

The unasked questions are the most dangerous to answer.

Teams do not seek consensus; they seek the best answer.

God doesn't answer prayer, He answers desperate prayer!

Heaven answers my 'I can't' with a resounding 'He did'.

An answer to a question no one asked is a wasted answer.

What is civilization? I answer, the power of good women.

The answer to our prayer may be the echo of our resolve.

Your questions are false if you already know the answer.

In the recognition of loving lies the answer to despair.

I answer, because I live among men and not among angels.

On good days, if you trust life, life has to answer you.

What ought a man be? Well, my short answer is 'himself'.

No one is so wrong as the man who knows all the answers.

Let us put away our blinders and answer the call to Joy.

A timid question will always receive a confident answer.

We keep asking for answers; God keeps sending us people.

Attend to mushrooms and all other things will answer up.

Art, to me, is a question. It should never be an answer.

Politics offers yesterday's answers to today's problems.

I'd rather wonder than get answers I couldn't live with.

The answer to deep anxiety is the deep adoration of God.

But when will our leaders learn - war is not the answer.

I'll be back. And when i am,i promise i'll have answers.

In some cases is keeping your mouth shut the best answer.

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