If you live the questions, life will move you into answers.

What do I want? The answer to that question does not exist.

A lot of people have the answers after the results come in.

I have two answers to everything and one answer to nothing.

Imagination is a place where all the important answers live.

The role of the artist is to ask questions, not answer them.

You can't meet Labour's tests by failing to provide answers.

Ask the right questions if you're to find the right answers.

Strapping a computer display to your face is not the answer.

Human reasoning can never answer the mysteries of our lives.

I don't think there are answers. I think there are thoughts.

If you wish a wise answer, you must put a rational question.

The answer is always in the entire story, not a piece of it.

If we wait for the perfect answer, the world will pass us by

Sometimes a simple question could have a complicated answer.

I don't know the question, but sex is definitely the answer.

There are many questions in this world that have no answers.

The wrong answers are stopping the right ones from emerging.

The firmament of the Bible is ablaze with answers to prayer.

The flashbacks are a great way to give answers to the story.

For all prayer is answered. Don't tell God how to answer it.

This is how you answer a door in my neighborhood. WHO IS IT?

To get the right answer, it helps to ask the right question.

There are no right or wrong answers, There is only intuition

If God really wanted to punish, he'd answer all our prayers.

We have to be able to ask questions in order to answer them.

It is the answers, not the questions, that are embarrassing.

Sometimes I wish I had an easy answer for why I'm depressed.

So money is not the answer to problems; wealth mentality is.

The need for mystery is greater than the need for an answer.

I should have had a circuitous answer; that was a non-answer.

If someone sends you a love letter you've got to answer back.

I know the theological answers, but do my blood and my pulse?

To know is always better, no matter what the answer might be.

Eternity is the place where questions and answers become one.

Christianity provides a unified answer for the whole of life.

I don't need a lot of money. Simplicity is the answer for me.

The best answer to the extremists is to build a better world.

A novel should be a book of questions, not a book of answers.

Compromise is simply changing the question to fit the answer.

Yesterday's answers has nothing to do with today's questions.

It's not the name they call you, it's the name you answer to.

We parents ask dumb questions, therefore we get dumb answers.

Just because you're home, you don't have to answer the phone.

Personal answers to ultimate questions. That is what we seek.

The rainforests hold answers to questions we have yet to ask.

There are no embarrassing answers-just embarrassing questions.

I do struggle with the fact that I don't have all the answers.

If love is the answer, could you please rephrase the question?

I will answer anything I can with honor, but not about others.

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