Usually, a well thought answer makes an aggressor think twice.

The right answer is seldom as important as the right question.

Always answer the phone. You never know if it's a hit calling.

The answer is that we don't choose our freaks, they choose us.

Clarity is the answer to anxiety. Effective leaders are clear.

Finger pointing does not provide answers to grieving relatives

What's a man's first duty? The answer is brief: To be himself.

Non-technical questions sometimes don't have an answer at all.

Only the philosophical question is perennial, not the answers.

The problem is not to find the answer, it's to face the answer

God answers prayers, but he doesn't always answer it your way.

When your past calls, don't answer. It has nothing new to say.

Was there anything more exciting in life than seeking answers?

I realize the answer is not to create wilderness and walk away.

The question to everyone's answer is usually asked from within.

His answer trickled through my head like water through a sieve.

If someone asks, But what is Love? Answer, Dissolving the will.

You are the reason. If you want, you are the answer in the end.

You get old and you realize there are no answers, just stories.

The problem is always sin, and the answer is always the Gospel.

If you scared to take chances, you'll never have the answers...

If you don't ask the right question, every answer seems wrong -

I can answer anything about any American pop culture song ever.

Answers? Forget answers. The spectacle is all in the questions.

A good rule of conversation is never answer a foolish question.

The only answer to "Are you Beatles or Stones?" is, "I'm both."

Yes my lord, but questions are dangerous, for they have answers

The answer is the Savior who is the source and author of peace.

I get about 25 letters a month, and I answer every one of them.

Maybe getting more isn't the answer to life. Maybe it's giving.

Love becomes the ultimate answer to the ultimate human question.

I am really more interested in questions than in giving answers.

Love can be seen as the answer, but nobody bleeds for the dancer

The short answer is, yes, I think I have become a better singer.

Think about these once in awhile, and watch your answers change.

The only effective answer to organized greed is organized labor.

Being an intellectual creates a lot of questions and no answers.

In motion alone is the answer to all of the mysteries of matter.

The answer is to say 'No!' to authority when authority is wrong.

Why ask a question whose answer would demand ten more questions?

Heaven is full of answers for which nobody ever bothered to ask.

Government is not the answer to the problem - it IS the problem.

There isn’t anything I have to be afraid of, love is the answer.

Once my mom passed away, I have nobody to answer to. It's great.

If you ask, "Am I my brother's keeper?" The answer is, "You are.

We should be able to go to our government and get clear answers.

But I’ve also been known to answer to ‘sweetheart’ or ‘handsome.

The more questions and answers we get, the more useful Quora is.

My best attribute is knowing when not to answer stupid questions

In this job, you accept criticism and give answers on the field.

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