With me and Bill... I think we started out with $15 apiece and split the other $20 between the band.

The booking agent had the audacity to take 10 percent, so we wound up with about $100 a week apiece.

Music should be able to invoke the natural emotions in all human beings. Music is not notes fixed on apiece of paper.

Social media affords me an opportunity to interact with fans on a daily basis, not just for a few seconds apiece at a science-fiction convention.

Square cuts which ordinarily would have flashed to the boundary earned only two, and I believe that those two innings would have been worth 150 apiece in a county match.

I ordered each man to be presented with something, as strings of ten or a dozen glass beads apiece, and thongs of leather, all which they estimated highly; those which came on board I directed should be fed with molasses.

I was always a kid trying to make a buck. I borrowed a dollar from my dad, went to the penny candy store, bought a dollar's worth of candy, set up my booth, and sold candy for five cents apiece. Ate half my inventory, made $2.50, gave my dad back his dollar.

If the world were an orange with 18 segments meeting at the top (the North Pole), roughly 8 of them would be in Russia, Canada would have 4, Denmark 2, and Norway, Sweden, and the U.S. just one apiece. Only a sliver of Alaska, on the Beaufort Sea, lies above the Arctic Circle.

I do - very specifically, I remember Bessie Smith; I used to collect 78 records that I would buy from the St Vincent de Paul store at five cents apiece, and I did this indiscriminately. I would just take whatever was there. And I listened to Patti Page and Walter Huston, 'September Song.'

We have literally millions and millions of fans. I mean, even Kendall and Kylie have 50 million followers on Instagram - apiece. That's a hundred million people you have somehow touched emotionally, enough to follow you on a social-media platform. And I think with that also comes, you know, haters.

Sometimes I go crazy - get into a mindspace where it doesn't matter what I spend. Like, on impulse, I might buy a $600 Dolce t-shirt, you know, just because it's silk and maybe there's some suede leather detailing. Or two of my favourite hoodies, I don't even know the brand, but they're' very thin soft cotton. $300 apiece!

One thing that did get me into a lot of different types of music was when I was very young, the local record store went out of business and they were selling off all the vinyl. I remember going in - I was probably 16 or 17 and I'd just gotten a record player as a present. It was like hitting the jackpot: all these records for $3 apiece.

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